Author's Note - 2

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IMPORTANT :- "New Rule"

Hey! I've recently got few issues from club members that some readers do not comment quite well(very short) , also there are some readers who don't mention the chapter name in the 'DONE' comment that becomes very difficult for me to check whether that person has actually read the book or not.

So, to clear all these issues you need to read this and follow it sincerely.

Begin :- When you're given assignments you should PM each other(group members), just to have a healthy chat. Also ask them if they are ready to read your book or not. And if they are not then ask them the reason and only read when they are ready to read yours.

One who reads a book :-

1. If you've read all the chapters of your group members+BOTW, then you should comment 'DONE' mentioning your group members name.
So, that they can get a notification that their book has been read and commented on.

One whose book's been read :-

1. When you get a notification(you're mentioned in a comment) that a group member has read your book, then you should check those comments by that writer on your book, if you find those comments of 60+ words then you'll be commenting 'FINE' before that member's name in the assignment chapter.

And if not, then PM him/her that their comment is invalid. And ask them to add some inline comments so that the 60+ words can be filled in or adjusted.

Cause of this rule :- So, that everybody's book is read properly and on time because I don't want my whirlwinds to worry about anything.

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