Chapter 1

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*Erika Linder as Drew
*Ana Golja as Bryanne


   "Get out of my house!! You aren't my daughter, and I never want to see you again!".
     Bryanne woke up in a cold sweat, she could feel the dried tears on her face and the dried blood on her arms. She glanced at her alarm clock next to her bed it read 4:30, an hour earlier than normal.

    She stumbled out of bed and over to her closet, avoiding the small mirror on the door. She stripped from her pajama pants and slipped on her running shorts and took off her big t-shirt, replacing it with a sports bra. The sun was still down, but that only made her more comfortable running without a shirt. She stalked across the hall groggily to her bathroom and washed her face and arms. The cold water countered the sting from touching her fresh cuts.

   When she felt clean, she tied her hair back into a ponytail and went downstairs. She looked at the fruit basket and turned away in disgust. She gets a bottle of water from the fridge and takes a sip. She sets the bottle on the counter and puts on her socks and tennis shoes. When she finishes lacing them up, she grabs her iPod and earbuds and heads for the door. 6 miles.  She jogs down stairs through her apartment complex and when she reaches the first floor, she starts off at a sprint, running along the sidewalk with her earbuds in, playing Twenty-One Pilots. She runs past the campus and keeps going; she keeps her pace until she gets to the diner that is open 24/7, and goes inside to get a coffee and a bagel to go.
      Bryanne walks out the door and down the street, finishing her coffee. She walks down the river and approaches the lake. She tears the bagel into small pieces and sits there for half an hour feeding the ducks. When she looks at her phone and see's that it is 5:30, she starts back at a jog to her apartment. She has and extra hour to kill so she hurries back to ready for the day.

    When she unlocks the door and goes in, she slips from her shoes and goes upstairs to her bedroom. Stripping from her work out clothes, she grabs her towel from her closet and stalks back into her bathroom. As the water heats up, she looks at her naked body in the mirror. She criticizes her fat rolls, stretch marks, scars and cuts that cover her body. She jumps in the shower with the water at it's hottest temperature and winces, the hot water scorching her open cuts. Blood rolls down her arms and legs as she washed her hair and tears roll down her face concealed by the running water.
   Bryanne gets dressed in her usual jeans black flannel, grey beanie, and black converse. Ready for the day, she grabs her messenger bag and walks down to the elevator that leads to the parking garage. She slips into her black jeep and drives to the school. She has class at eight and it was currently 6:15. She pulls into a parking spot and slowly exits her car, grabbing her novel from the passenger seat and walking inside to her favorite table in the library.  She sat for what felt like hours and read. When she glanced at her watch it was 7:50, she panicked, knowing she should head to class.

   She walked across Crandall High School, straight to homeroom. The bell rang shortly after. She went straight to the back corner and sat in her cracked desk and immediately zoned out. She didn't even notice anyone come into the classroom until Ms. Smith was all but screaming, "Bryanne!". Bryanne jerked her head to the front of the room and froze. Her eyes connected with bottomless pits of liquid gold.

She struggled to form a sentence as she began "yes," breaking out "y-y-yes.... yeah?" she turned to Ms. Smith.

"This is Drew, our new student, which you would have known if you were paying attention. And seeing how the only empty seat in class is the one next to you, she'll have to suffer and talk to you."

    Drew looked to Bryanne and half smiled.
  "Sure, okay whatever," Bryanne responded while Drew walked to the back to sit next to her. The entire class went back to there obnoxious conversation and left the girls in the back to talk.

  "Well, no devices or books, but you can talk and converse and be as loud as you want, so long as you socialize."

"You know you don't have to do that. I can tell you don't want to talk to me," Drew said in an almost Swedish accent, kind of hurt.

"Oh, Ok. Ok. ," Bryanne stumbled out nervously. She had never seen anyone as beautiful as Drew. With her short blond hair and sharp cheek bones, she looked like a model. Bryanne and Drew connected eyes and there was an electricity that neither of them had ever felt before. Bry closed her eyes and took a deep ragged breath and turned her attention to a very interesting spot on the floor. Drew blushed and turned away from Bryanne to meet other students in the class. The bell rang and they connected glances briefly before they both gathered their things and went into the hall separately.

     Drew went to the locker that had been assigned to her earlier that morning, she noticed that it happened to be the one right next to Bry's. She looked over and saw the words carved into Bry's locker and had to hold back a gasp. "Lesbo-bitch", "Slut", "Dike", and carvings of penis's covered her locker.
     Drew had never seen such cruel things, but got a little excited and hopeful that they were true in the sense that Bryanne was possibly a lesbian.

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