jack dawson x reader {open your eyes}

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The mid-evening air was cool yet turbulent on the bow of the Titanic. It was different up here, incomparable to the subdued winds on the deck that could lull one into slumber.

The inconsistency of airstream at one of the highest points of the ship was close to comforting. In fact, you were so distracted that you had hardly noticed the hesitant figure approaching you.

"Hey...you alright?"

You turned on your heel to meet the indigo eyes of the all-too-familiar boy now standing before you. Jack. The boy you had known for around 11 years. The boy you had boarded this very ship with yesterday afternoon. For Jack, New York was the dream. For you, it was a life sentence to the the prison that was your Aunt's estate.

"What are you doing up here?" You said with a hint of directness, watching as his hands made their way out of his coat pockets.

"Same thing you're doing, I'd assume," He replied with a small chuckle, taking a few steps towards you. "Enjoying the, uh, lovely evening breeze."

You raised an eyebrow. "Aha." The sky was beginning to dim, and the light remaining enhanced Jack's prominent features as you observed his expression. "Doesn't Monsieur Jack have parties to attend and ladies to meet?" It wasn't an unlikely circumstance; your childhood friend had always been more social than you ever were.

Jack shrugged, taking a few more steps in your direction. It had become clear how close he was now as your back hit the tip of the bow.

"Monsieur Jack has more important things to do, now doesn't he?" Jack said softly, returning the smirk and gesturing for you to turn around. "Face the water for me."

You hesitated, your hand slowly moving to clutch the banister. "And how do I know that you won't hoist me over the railing and throw me off the side of this ship, Dawson?"

Jack let out an amused sigh, taking off his coat. As he tossed it onto the floor beside him, his hands guided your body to face the sea. "You have little faith in my intentions, L/n. Have I ever given you a reason not to trust me?"

You didn't reply, but scanned the scene before you. The deep blue waves seemed to roll over each other in sync with the wind. The murky world below was intimidating, but the feel of Jack's breath on your neck made the ocean feel almost inviting.

"No." You finally answered, turning your head a little to face him. "Of course you've never given me a reason not to trust you."

Although you spoke words of assurance, Jack noticed the skepticism in your voice. With an agonizing amount of deliberation and care, he placed his hands on your waist and held you close to him.

"Close your eyes." He muttered into your ear, his hands extending from where they settled on your waist to wrap all the way around your torso, making you feel safe in his arms. You complied, letting your eyelids drop. Jack tightened his hold on you as you did so. "Okay, can you step up onto that bottom rail right there?"

With cautious movements, you lifted your feet, one by one, off the ground and onto the white bar under the railing.

You felt so vulnerable up here, your life completely in Jack's hands. There was something comforting about the feel of his heart pumping in his chest and the sound of his breathing growing steadier.

Gradually, you felt the arms around your waist move to take a gentle hold of your forearms. The wind guided your arms up at shoulders-length, and you felt the warmth of Jack's touch calm your nerves.

"Open your eyes."

And there it was. Everything you'd imagined when the two of you were younger and dreamed of flying, it was all right there in front of you. The once unsettling waves were now ripples of life below you, guiding the wind through your hair and making you want to shout into the abyss in amazement.

"You're finally flying, Y/n!"

Jack's voice sounded miles away, every syllable resonating in your mind as you averted your eyes from the magic you'd become acquainted with.

"You're finally flying." He said again, softer this time. His gaze fell upon your grateful smile.

"Thank you," you whispered, as to not disturb the sound of the waves. "For...everything."

Before you could turn back to the vast world behind you, you felt Jack's lips on yours.

Without stopping to think, you sunk into the kiss, your extended arms lowering to wrap around his neck in an attempt to pull him closer.

Sensing that you weren't opposed to what was happening, Jack wrapped his arms around your waist like before and lifted you up and off the bottom railing, still not breaking the kiss as your feet touched the ground.

Once the two of you finally broke apart, you were grinning more than you had in months. You were in Jack's arms, on the most magnificent ship ever built.

Everything felt right.

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