Chapter 11

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Delsin sighed deeply as he stood on a deserted roof. He had gotten a call from Fetch to meet up and take down some more drug dealers. He didn't mind, it helped him take his mind off Riley. It had been some time since he had heart  anything from her. No call, no text. He was getting scared something had happened. Reggie had reassured him everything was fine and she would turn up eventually. He was just hoping she hadn't changed her mind about their friendship. Something had changed the last time he had seen and he hoped it hadn't gone too fast.

There was a flash of pink as Fetch appeared next to him, her signature smirk on her face.

"What took you so long? You said 8"

Fetch shrugged stepping past him. "I'm sorry dude. My apprentice is not as quick of a learner as you" Delsin frowned.

"Apprentic-" There was a crackle of electricity as another body joined them. She, still not used to her own powers, nearly flew into Delsin.  He groaned as she hit him but managed to keep both of them standing. She shook her head, trying to get rid of the dizziness  and frowned as her eyes focused themselves on Delsin.



"You two know each other?"

Ignoring the pink haired girl, Delsin embraced Riley once more. "God, I thought something happened." With a frown he pulled away. "You're a conduit?"

"It seems so"  Riley exhaled, her heart beating rapidly as she stared at Delsin.

"How did it happen?" He asked gently, his hands on her upper arms. Riley shook her head, shrugging her shoulders.

"I really don't know"

"As cute as this whole 'thing' is" Fetch broke in, making the two step away. "We need to catch a truck" Her smirk grew as she noticed their red faces.

"Yes" Delsin coughed. "The truck" The truck in question, began riding away in a slow pace. Fetch turned to Riley.

"Stay close to us, and remember to breath" And with that she was gone. Riley rolled her eyes and let out a muffled groan.

"Not again" Delsin nodded his head at her, signalling for her to go first. She did so. She took a deep breath and ran to the edge of the roof. There was another crackle as her body disappeared in a bolt of electricity. It flew after Fetch, leaving a small icy blue trail. It reminded Delsin a bit of his smoke form, but then endless. With a smirk he dashed after them.

Soon the truck came to a stop and the three conduits came to a stop. Some more gracefully than others. With a groan Riley fell to the ground, her knees scraping against the hard roof. A warm hand appeared on her arm and helped her up. Delsin's kind eyes stared down at her in concern. She smiled it off.

"'m fine"

"This must be the place" Fetch commented, staring down at the truck. Delsin nodded.

"Alright, so what the plan?"

"And please don't say get em" Riley added, staring down at the truck with weary eyes. Fetch just winked at her and jumped down. Delsin opened his mouth to give Riley some instructions, but she beat him too it.

"I'll stay here and give air support"

"I'll be right back" With a wink he jumped down as well. Riley watched as the gunfire began. It was quickly countered by neon beams. She tried her best as well, trapping some of them in a low electric field. She was getting the hang of this. Soon the last of the dealers was down and Riley dashed down, landing on her feet this time. She stopped next to the truck and waited for Delsin and Fetch. They did and Delsin opened the truck. Riley frowned as she noticed quivering females inside.

"Alright ladies. C'mon, let's go. Yes, the bad men are gone" One by one they climbed out and took off. "Go. Live. Love"

"Just not professionally" Riley added. The woman just ran past them,  out of the ally.

"If you want to get clean, now's the time. There won't be any more drugs on the street!" Fetch called after them. They did not stop. "Don't screw this up! And there gone..."

The street fell silent as they stared at the exit of the ally. Riley sighed and sat on the rim of the truck. Rain started to pore so Delsin sat down next to Riley. He tested his boundaries and  gently put his arm around her shoulders. She did not mind. Instead a faint smile appeared on her lips as she placed her head against his side.

"You think a couple of low-life conduits will ever get thanked for saving people?"

"Yeah..." Riley exhaled, her smile growing.

"I know you saved me, just like Fetch" Fetch appeared from next to the truck and started at them with a smile. She pushed off the side and stepped in front of them.

"So what, you gonna give up on the whole ritualistic murdering of drug dealers?" Riley's eyes widen. So the neon murders had been Fetch. That made sense, knowing her background.

"Don't worry, I'm not giving up on my passions. Just finding some new ones. Like teaching" Riley cringed her nose.

"You might want to give up on that one as well" Fetch glared at her but smirked.

"C'mon. Let's get the rest of these drugs in the harbour"

"Might even hook a dolphin" Delsin joked, pulling Riley up with him. Fetch slapped his chest, making Delsin laugh.

"You like me"

"That's her job"

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