Chapter 8

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People rushed by Riley as she walked through the busy streets of Detroit's. Her brown duffel bag was thrown over her shoulder. She skipped her step, pushing the bag further up get shoulder as it slid down because of the dozen spray cans that it was holding.

After she had pleasantly woken up, all cuddled up next to a softly snoring Delsin, she had made them some breakfast. Nothing fancy, just some toast with Nutella. They had eaten in piece until Delsin's phone rang, and his brother told him, very angrily might I add, that he had found another conduit. So he had left shortly after, a half eaten piece of toast still between his teeth.

Silently Riley entered an alleyway, checking behind her to see if no one was following her. No one was. What? Blame it on her paranoia. With steady hands she grasped a hanging fire escape ladder and pushed herself up, which was not so easy, seeing as it had rained before and the metal was still damp and slippery. She entered the roof ten minutes later, slightly out of breath but smiling.

She had wanted to prove something to herself. To the world, to Delsin. Conduits were good people. They were just misjudged by everyone around them. So with her bag on the floor, she took out a deep blue van and started spraying.

With a last wipe of her hands on her trousers Riley took a step back, admiring her piece of art

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With a last wipe of her hands on her trousers Riley took a step back, admiring her piece of art.

She had designated the tag with the word, equality in mind. Everyone was to be treated the same, conduit or not. Below the hand she had written "Equality for everyone in Seattle!!!"  In big blue letters.

Never had she felt so proud to vandalize an add build-board.

"You there!"

"Shit" she quickly swiped her bag from the ground and dashed off. She had to admit, while she wasn't as agile and jump-y like Delsin, she could hold herself in a chase. The cop that had spotted her chased her across the roof and onto the next. Riley took hold of a nearing ladder and let herself slide down, better to be down on the ground, where she could hide in plain sight than on an open roof where she could be spotted from a mile away. As her feet hit the ground Riley ran towards the exit of the ally, smiling as she could nearly taste her freedom. She turned her head, wanting to see how close the cop was but he was still on the roof, giving up the pursuit.

Riley gave a laugh in victory, turning back to the exit. She entered the mass of people and smiled, 1 - 0 for the rebels. Just as she was about to turn to the nearest metro station, a DUP pushed her back into the group of people.

"Stay in line"  his voice sounded almost robot like, sending a chill down Riley's back.

"I'm on my way home" she tried, trying to step out of the line of people. The man, or maybe woman, raised his gun in a silent warning. Her blood ran cold as she raised her hands and stepped back into the line. Slowly she turned her head to the front.

Where were they going?

About five people ahead of her was a scanning gate. It was simple, put your hand on it, it blinked green and you walked through. Easy. Since the last couple of weeks, these forced scans had been authorized, forcing a random group of people to scan themselves. Riley had some it dozens of times. No big deal.

But now, Delsin had come into her life.

"M'am" another DUP's voice broke Riley out of her thoughts. The five people ahead of her had gone through, good or bad, she did not know. Riley nodded, stepped towards the scanner. She placed her bag down and furiously whipped her hands at her pants. As she straightened back up, she noticed the officer, one of the few without a helmet, staring at her strangely. Riley gave her a sheepish smile.

"Sweaty hands" she tried, silently hoping no trace of Delsin was left on her hands.

With a slight tremble in her hand, she placed her, with paint splattered palm onto the pad. A blue light turned on and ran over the length of her palm. Riley's heartbeat fastened.

Should it take this long to get results?

A gun clicked, a barrel pointing in her direction.

"Put your hands up! You are under violation of code 28B. You have been found guilty of being a bio terrorist"

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