Chapter One

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There are very few things that bring authentic joy into my very bland life. At the very top of the list would be when my house is freezing cold and I grab my blanket straight from the dryer. Silly, I know, but nothing can beat the warmth that surrounds me as I cozy up in my blanket. Accompany that with the Notebook and a freshly delivered meal, and you will be presented with my definition of a perfect night. Speaking of food that brings me to the second thing on my extremely short list of things that make me happy...a freshly delivered pizza. Right on cue, my phone begins to buzz with a familiar name popping up on the screen.

"Hello," I ask innocently, pretending as if I don't know who is on the other line.

"Seriously Mykie, must you put on this pathetic act every time I call you. I am also certain that I am the only contact that is even in your phone with the number of times I talk to you in a week," the now commonplace voice laughs.

"Don't pretend you don't enjoy seeing my beautiful face several times a week Luke. You should consider yourself to be quite lucky," I scoff. Hanging up the phone without a warning, I begin to race down the stairs. I refuse to glance at myself in the mirror on the way, knowing if I did it would be the only thing on this planet that could keep me from my dinner. I reach the front door in a matter of seconds and my mouth begins to water as images of cheese stuffed crust and pepperoni fills my brain. I fling upon the door to see a disapproving look plastered on an extraordinarily annoying face.

"Why such a long face Luke? That isn't the face I was expecting from someone whose eyes just landed on the prettiest girl on the planet." I smile at him completely aware of the fact that I probably look like a gremlin.

"First of all Mykie, the only thing I am trying to figure out is why you are still wearing the same onesie from this morning and if you have even brushed your teeth today," Luke remarks trying to hide the smile that is obviously on his face.

"I will have you know that I don't pay to have my food delivered to my house so that I can be harassed by the driver," I retort. Taking my chance to grab the pizza from his hands, Luke swiftly lifts the love of my life over his head.

"Listen when I see you more than my own family because you decide to get delivery for every meal, you forfeit all of your no harassment rights," He jokes. I give him a pointed look and he hands me the pizza.

I stick my tongue out like a child and slam the door promptly in his face not even offering him a goodbye. Luke has actually grown on me as a delivery boy. He has been delivering me food since the start of summer and has made a wonderful addition to my life. He takes all my money and has made me increasingly more doughy by giving me the best pizza ever. Though now that school starts up again tomorrow, I will no longer have time for his delivery shenanigans.

As quickly as I had made my way to the door, I make my way back into my cave. Unfortunately, before I could even reach the first step of the stairs my dreams are shattered as my mom's voice rings from the kitchen.

"Mykhal would you care to join us for dinner?" My mother asks in a stone cold voice. Her face completely lacking any emotion. The bags under her eyes reveal that she hasn't slept in ages and my heart wishes it could feel bad for her. Though when I search for the emotions I find none.

"As tempting as that sounds, mother, I have a hot and spicy date with Ryan Gosling upstairs. Rain check though," I offer in my fakest voice possible.

She shakes her head at me before preparing plates for my siblings. My two younger brothers make there way from downstairs smiling at me the whole way down. When they reach me at the last step I embrace them fully, letting my pizza fall to the ground. My brothers are the most important people to me in the whole entire world. They are eight and ten years younger than me, but sometimes they are truly like my best friends. Before I let them out of the hug I whisper into their ears that if they sneak by my room before they go to bed I will slip them a piece of my pizza. They give me a tight squeeze upon hearing this news and then head into the kitchen. I pick my poor baby off the floor and finish the journey back to my room. Before throwing myself back into my bed I race to the laundry room to grab my blanket out of the dryer. The warmth radiates all over my body as I take it back into my room. It comes nowhere close to the warmth of someone you love but it takes a nice second place. I frown slightly but then the faint sound of my pizza growing cold causes me to walk faster.

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