Chapter one.

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Running. Running away from the creatures chasing me. No. I have to keep going. If only I didn't trip and fall on the bumps in the road. I turn only to be caught by the demons. They're winning. I scream for help but, no one comes. I plead for mercy but, there is none.

I am shaken awake by, the pale nurse at the asylum.

"Calm down." I look from side to side in pure terror.

"Where am I?"

"You're at the asylum and it's time for your meds." She says before grinning and pulling out a large needle.

"No." I say as I push myself further into the corner of the soft room. She brings the needle closer. Do it. Fight her. Reject it.

"No, no, no, NO!" I scream and push the lady away as the voices and foot steps get closer. I freeze as everyone gathers into the room. I win.


I hear her. Her screams. I cover my ears in a attempt to block her out. I don't know her name but, I hear her. She screams, and screams but, never wakes up. Wakes up from this nightmare. Her screams stop and I know they've won. The grunts and growls and screams are louder as the guards grab her and sedate her. Everyday. Every single day. They are winning and killing us both. It kills me that they don't understand. They'll kill her. Ruin her beautiful soul. She's beautiful, strangely beautiful. She screams again.

"LEAVE HER ALONE." I yell and pound on the metal door. They're hurting her. I bang on the door in attempt to get out. It's no use. I grab my curls and yell in frustration.

"STOP!!" She screams. The doctors thinks she's screaming at them, she's not. She's trying to fight back. Fight back and win.

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