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What The Signs Do When They Are Home Alone and The Doorbell Rings:-

Aries ♈: grabs a knife and hide it in their sleeve

Taurus ♉: army crawls under something

Gemini ♊: acts like a spy and crawls I've furniture and dives, roll on the corners

Cancer ♋: turns off all the lights and pretends they are not at home

Leo ♌: covers themselves with the nearest blanket and pretends they're dead

Virgo ♍: answers like a normal human being (but is silently scared on the inside)

Libra ♎: sits in complete shock and doesn't react fast enough to actually answer the door

Scorpio ♏: pretends they are in a spy movie and peeks out the window to see the person

Sagittarius ♐: sits completely stills nd tries to melt into the couch they are sitting on

Capricorn ♑: answers the door and acts like it's nobody

Aquarius ♒: swirls and runs into their room to hide under their bed until the person leaves

Pisces ♓: "hello darkness my old friend"


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