Chapter_6: you did the sum wrong..

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i was tossing from my left to right the whole night after the party was over,Brenda decided to stay at my house cos it was pretty late and my brothers were dead drunk .so she end up in my room sleeping.. but what about me ? its already 6 and we have to get up in half an hour. i am feeling so sleepy but can't sleep because whole night, you have to think about him?

what is my problem i don't even know him?

z? i mean all i have is him writing some compliment. but why do i feel special? i mean everyone in the party told me i looked good. then why his saying affects me?

oh!! god Peyton rose Wilson.. that is just so creepy.. you don't even know him.

darn it..

but the blood.. ?

no i guess i misunderstood right?

lets just close your eyes and sleep a little.. my head is aching like crazy.

and with that i just closed my eyes and my alarm went on.!!

with that i had a very head aching irritating morning..

oh !god shut that shit already. mummered BRE

and with that i walked over to Brenda to wake her up.


"can we stop at Starbuck i need caffeine in my system" asked Bre as she was leaning her head on the window.

at present we are in my car and when i say "we" means me,Bre,Drake, and Blake.. i was supposed to drive but after the party night it seems like no one was actually very happy today to attend the school.. i was like no mood to drive i am too sleepy to do that, Bre having headache,Drake complaining all the time, that his head hurts.

oh well buddy that was your mistake. drinking on a school night not a good idea.

so we drag Blake to give us lift to school, in short be our driver just for today. he was grumpy because we woke him up and he too is suffering from hangover .but being irresponsible he is and me being best at giving puppy dog eyes . so you can see it all worked.

"stop at the Starbuck B, i too need a coffee please " i told my brother

"uh uh " was his reply

"get me a coffee too" mummered Drake..

"get one for yourself buddy" i told him

"pey !just do it i am in no situation to go and stand there"

"that is just not fair " i pout at him

"oh ! god shut up you both " mummered BRE

with that at the end Blake has to go to get us some black coffee, i was in no situation to choose what i want. we were like get us anything from there that has caffeine in it.

when we got some caffeine in our system, that was like a life giving thing..

caffeine can do some wonderful magic

we said bye to Blake and he told us he will be there by the end of school. with that we all went to our ways Drake went straight to Victoria the ugly cow who was screaming his name .! oh got headache !

"shut up.. woman " yelled BRE

and i couldn't help but smile. BRe and headache not a good combo.

we went to our locker and got our books and made our way to our English class.

English is way better than maths, because i don't want to use my brain now it hurts..


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