Chapter 3

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I look at the note and my heart races. I plug my headphones into the mini iPod and Angel by Cody Simpson blasts into my ear at full volume. No one knows that I like Cody Simpson! How did someone figure it out? I let my mind flash back through the day and Jasper grinning at me in Math class is the only place that I can even remember being anywhere close to anyone while even listening to my Cody CD. Would Jasper do something like this? I grab my backpack, no homework tonight, and I tuck the mini iPod (that I’m naming Bob) into my pocket and I walk outside. I head toward my beat-up black Chevy pickup and I throw my bag into the back. I walk over to the driver’s side and I look to me left and I see Jasper sitting on a silver motorcycle. I try my very best to ignore him as I climb into my truck and try to crank it. When it doesn’t start, I don’t suspect anything unusual because it does this… a lot. But I try it again and again but it still won’t work.

I turn around and climb into the back of my pickup to retrieve my bag. When I climb out I almost fall backwards but Jasper is somehow there fast enough to stop me from cracking my skull open. He lets me go and I dust myself off. On the way down (before tall, blond, and handsome caught me) the knee of my jeans got caught on something that had been sticking out. It had ripped that fabric open and sliced my knee from top to bottom. I sit down on the part sticking out… the black part that you use to boost yourself up… and I lick the cut so it stops bleeding. I feel Jasper’s eyes on me the whole time. I turn back and a wave of lust hits me full on. His eyes are pitch black and he is leaning toward me.

I knew something was wrong; Jasper doesn’t normally act like this.


My voice knocks him out of whatever was going on in his head and he clears his throat. “I was wondering if you might need a ride home. I was getting ready to leave and I saw that your truck wouldn’t start and I thought that I could wait and see if it would start and f it wouldn’t I was thinking that maybe I could give you a ride home. Would you like one? A ride home I mean.”

He seemed distracted, and his usually sweet honey colored eyes were burnt coal black. He reminded me of a fallen angel, one of God’s favorites… his sweet face completely like one of the cowboy faces that you don’t usually see in the north. I couldn’t help but get lost in his fierce but angelic face that called out to me.

His demonic eyes pierced me and I realized that I had been staring. I felt my cheeks turn a bright pink as he looked at me and his eyes softened to a subtle brown. He reached out his hand and caressed my hot pink cheeks and hummed with pleasure. His hand was… cold… and rock-like… and strangely… marble-ish.

I reach up and I put my hand on top of his, the one that is on my face; he suppresses a moan. I wonder if Pixie treats him right. He’s quite tall compared to me and he tilts my head up so that I’m looking up at him, he bends down and gets close to my face. I feel a weird tingle in my stomach as he gets closer and then I feel the blood from the cut oozing down my leg and soaking my jeans.

I look deep into Jasper’s eyes and I can see the real him. I don’t know what I was thinking when I said this next: “I know what you are. And I’m not scared.”

He pauses and looks at me again; I see his surprise through his eyes.

“Your eyes are the gateway to your emotions,” I say to him.

His eyes become softer and softer in shade until they are nearly normal again.

Jasper smirks as he becomes amused, “Oh yeah? And how is that? Would you care to explain, Ms. Johnston?” His country accent just makes him so darn cute! Ugh, puppy love. “Just WHAT or WHO do you think that I am?”

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