Chapter 2

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"My angel, how'd you get to be so fly? How'd you get to shine so bright; girl, how'd you get to look like that? Heaven don't you call her back. Yeah! Woo! Do da do do do. Yeah. Halo, halo I'm not saying high. Baby, there's a ring above your head and it shines so bright in the sunlight, in the sunlight. Halo, halo. This is like a dream, every bit of you, it makes me me. How did I get here? In the sunlight, in the sunlight. I must be in Heaven, cuz I'm looking at an angel, whose staring back at me, her eyes so heavenly. I must be in Heaven, cuz I'm looking at an angel, there's no one on this Earth that's made this beautiful. I must be in Heaven. Do do do do dooooooooo. Yeah. Haha. Here we are, looking at the stars; I can hear the beating of your heart and I could listen to this song forever. Ooooooo. You're the dreams cruising down my coast, you're the jam, baby, I'm the toast; it's so sweet when we're together. Yeah, yeah. Oh, Yes. And if I ruled the world I'd leave an island for you. You can tell all your girls that means an island for you. I must be in Heaven, cuz I'm looking at an angel, whose staring back at me, her eyes so heavenly. I must be in Heaven, cuz I'm looking at an angel, there's no one on this Earth that's made this beautiful. I must be in Heaven. Halo, halo. I'm not saying high. Baby, there's a ring above your head and it shines so bright in the moonlight, in the moonlight, my angel! How'd you get to be so fly? Ohhhhhhhh. How'd you get to shine so bright; girl, how'd you get to look like that? Oooo ooo. Tell me. Please Heaven don't you call her back. Oh! Ba da do do do do do. Ba da do do do doooo. Ba. Do. My angel! Ba da do do do do do do do do do do do ba da do do da da. Yeah. My angel. Ooo ooo ooo oooooooooo. Ooo ooo oooooooooo. Ooo ooo ooooooooo. Ooo ooo oooooooooooooooo..."

My new Cody Simpson CD blasts into my ears and I swear that I see Jasper (I asked around and found out the blond boy's name) grin like he can hear what I'm listening to. I hope that he can't because Cody Simpson is one of my absolute favorite singers but e's so young that it seems weird and obsessive. So no one knows how much I like his music. I love the song Angel though, it makes me calm and happy. It puts me in my happy place. And not in 6th period Math. This Math teacher is so hateful!

A ruler slams down on top of my Math book and I look up in suprise automatically slipping my CD player back into the hidden compartment in my purse.

The teacher looks at me from under her glasses. She raises an eyebrow at me waiting for me to say something but I don't. I just stare at her like she does me. By now everyone in the entire class is lookingat us having our staring contest. People start snickering, then everyone starts laughing really loud. I noticed something that no one else had though; everyone began laughing when Jasper started laughing... and the atmosphere around him changed. He glanced around at the class when everyone got louder and then he abruptly quite laughing and went back to looking at his hand.

The teacher sneered at me. "Well it's a good thing that you're Mr.Cullens partner, huh, Miss Johnston?"

God, I wanna strangle her! She should mind her own business! Stupid teacher.


Jasper wasn't in 7th, I wonder why. I know that he was in 6th so where could he have possibly gone? I look out the window and I see that it's raining. All of the other Cullens are on the opposite side of the hall as me, but Jasper isn't.

I ponder the possiblities as I open my locker and a small blue object falls out along with a paper that gently floats down and sits on the tip of my black Ugg boot. I pick it and the small iPod up. The most beautiful writing that I had ever seen was on this paper along with a note that read:

Dear Stevie Rae,

I thought that you could use this. I saw that you had a CD player and those are much harder to hide than the iPod shuffle. It's already downloaded with songs that I thought that you might enjoy.

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