A New You, A New Problem

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Chapter two

The New You

So this is Kuoh Academy...

The academy... was just spectral, to you its was one of of the largest schools you've every been in, it was like one of the university near your home town. Everything seemed perfect there was no acne or any flaws seen on there on any body, even the foundation and the grounds were well kept, flowers of multiple with design and colors worked together like it was all natural. It was turelly something awe inspiring.

And this was only the first few steps into the Academy.

'Get your head in the game!' saying to yourself walking through the gates.

'Right you're in enemy territory, you need to be careful and notice you're surroundings.' turning around after thinking that to see the students start walking past you, some off them talking in a whisper to each other.

Girl: "Is that the new kid?"

Girl2: "Wow he looks pretty hot! Do you think he's got a girlfriend?"

Girl3: "All i know is i want him to notice me... Senpai..."

After hearing that you looked to the girl who said that and gave her you're best smolder making her squeal with joy, while some other girls were blushing with envy, want you to know look at them the same way you did with her.

On the other side of the school were the boys were walking.

Boy1: "Who the fuck is this guy!"

Boy2: "He stealing our future girlfriends without even trying!!!" putting his hand up in anger

Boy3: "It was bad enough when it was just all us fighting for girls, but now him!!!"

You smiled, in your previous life your weren't this magnetic with women and you kind of liked this new world just a little bit more now, but you needed to remember one thing, you need to be careful about how you handle the time line from this point onward... you remember what your plan was from yesterday.

[Flashback Begin]

After getting Pizza around eight o'clock, sitting down at the dinner table while eating a few idea's popped up every now and again in your head, the most important one was "How you handle this new power and how will you go about prepare for the future e deavour..."

There were three constants.

Number 1 [My Level]

Number 2 [Diversify my skills]

Number 3 [Improve my knowledge]

Anything after that kind of got back drafted. Of course you wanted to get a sacred gear, but then again that's kind of like playing fifty two card pickup... it will be cluster fuck for you if don't get it right and you will most certainly die if you're not strong enough...

But this also left you with another thought...

'Should i try to become a Battle Mage. Focusing on my hand-to-hand and magic, so i can handle any threats of this world for the time begin?' this just left one problem. They always seemed to focus on improving their attributes to the maximum effect without any back up idea... for the warriors it was always the lack of knowledge that led to their down fall or unable to handle strong magical opponents. On the other hand with Mages they solely focused on improving their mind, but not their bodies making then easy targets to get killed in close combat... the only problems is it takes a great deal of time to become battle mage focusing on both magic and the body. You played with the though for a bit... it was probably you're best option for the time being. Besides you wanted to be diversify character with no real weakness as best as you could.

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