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Jeff's P.O.V
I stepped downstairs, careful not to trip up on the smashed furniture during one of my rampages. I opened the back door, whistling for my husky Smile. He came bouncing in, red eyes and blood stained teeth gleaming as I patted him on the head softly. 

"Sniff (y/n) out Smile..." I grinned, slipping my blood- stained hood on over my ebony bangs, my grin widening as I watched Smile follow her scent. Heh... Like I said... she was going to be mine...

Normal P.O.V
A blush still heated your cheeks as you crashed your head down onto your soft, plush pillow, thinking about Jeff... How he kissed you softly and claimed you as his... You tried to shake the thought out but as you kept on thinking about his soft lips, his raven black hair, his blood stained hoodie... You couldn't help but go pink in the cheeks.

Your hand swept your (h/c) bangs out of your eyes as you looked up at the dismal ceiling above you. Well... I hope I didn't hit him too hard... Hmn... at least... (f/n)... is... safe... You thought drowsily, rolling over underneath your bedsheets and surrendering to the darkness.

Jeff's P.O.V
When Smile stopped at (y/n)'s house, 13 (y/s), I grinned widely, telling him to stay put as I climbed the pine tree that overlooked (y/n)'s bedroom through her clean glass window. I could see her adorable face fast- asleep on her pillow, her (h/c) bangs covering her eyes slightly. I saw the lips that I kissed earlier mutter something... but I couldn't hear it. 

I cracked the window open, sliding into her dark room. I walked over to her bedside quietly, not breaking my stare with her closed eyes. The things I wanted to do to her... Right then and there... To hear her groan my name and kiss me back... Set my cheeks on fire with a red blush spreading on my bleached white face... I slipped under her bed sheets, nestling next to her with a slight smile playing on my lips.

I shifted her bangs out of her eyes softly, leaning over to kiss her lips tenderly. I heard her moan as I broke away, stopping myself before I took things further... "Mmnn... Je...ff..." She groaned, rolling over. My eyes widened, blush spreading across my cheeks as my lips parted into a soft smile. 

I wrapped a bloody -sleeved arm around her as I rested my chin on top of her head. "Go to sleep... (y/n)..." I muttered, flicking my eye mask over my eyes before falling asleep... (y/n) in my arms.

Normal P.O.V
Your eyes opened blearily, awakening to a figure lying next to you, whispering: "Good morning..." Seductively in your ear. You smiled slightly, snuggling your face into the figure's... blood -stained... white... hoodie... You let out a gasp, looking up at an unblinking stare that was slightly covered by lengthy black bangs.

"J-Jeff...!" You studdered, watching him grin: "In the flesh beautiful..." You blushed a sickly sweet strawberry red at the way he called you beautiful. "H... How did you get into my room?" You asked, watching him look down at you with a smirk before saying: "Through the window..." He rasped, setting his lips onto your forehead gently.

You turned away, trying to hide your blush as you said:" I-I'm sorry for hitting you last night... If you're going to kill me... then just do it... spare me the cute names..." You sighed, watching him crack a smile. 

"Heh! I'm not here for that... I'm here for YOU... You're mine ... remember? ...I'm taking you back with me whether you like it or not..." he smirked, folding his body over yours, back hunched. "...(y/n)..." he moaned , crashing his lips down on yours.

"Mmnn..." you groaned, kissing back softly as one of his arms gripped your waist, the other hand stroking the back of your neck gently as the kiss got harder. Jeff yanked on your (h/c) hair, causing you to gasp so he could slide his tongue in and over yours as he tilted his head to an angle, tasting you as he went deeper.

You wrapped your arms around his bleached white neck, running your fingers through his shoulder- length, black hair. "J-Jeff..." you panted as his hand shot up the back of your nightshirt. 

"Don't... *Huff* talk... (y/n)..." He groaned, prodding his tongue into your mouth powerfully, yours battling back as he coiled a leg around yours while he lifted your shirt off of your body before his lips joined with yours again, his unblinking eyes going over your bra- covered tits. He gave one of them a harsh, experimental squeeze, watching you gasp. 

You grabbed the hem of his blood- stained hoodie, pulling it over his head and off of his body, exposing his nicely, not TOO toned pecs, making you blush. He smirked, leaning down and asking: "Do you like what you see?" he groaned, lips sliding down your neck. He kissed your collarbone lightly, starting to bite it tenderly and suck it.

You threw your head back a little, not wanting to make any sudden noises. All of a sudden, a car horn beeped from outside... Your parents were home...

Jeff's P.O.V
As soon as that car horn beeped, I knew I was going to be in deep shit if we didn't get dressed and out of here. "Shit!! (y/n), Get dressed! We need to go..!" I breathed, tossing on my white hoodie, watching her toss her night shirt and black hoodie with a blush...

Heh.... cute... I cracked the window open as the sound of a front door opening echoed through the house. "(y/n)... Come with me..." I begged, looking into her beautiful (e/c) eyes with want. I held out my hand for her to take, her reaching for it reluctantly until a feminine voice called out her name.

"(y/n)...?" (y/n)'s eyes widened as her head cocked towards the door. "(y/n)!" I hissed, waiting for her to take my hand. She exhaled deeply and grasped my hand. I smiled down at her softly: "Come on..." I hushed,helping her out of the window and into the tree.

We climbed down the rough barked pine tree, Smile wagging his tail at us happily as we reached the bottom. I smiled down at him and swept (y/n) into my arms bridal style. "Ah! Hey-!" She protested before I pressed a finger against her lips, silencing her. I then broke out into a sprint, heading into the woods. (y/n) in my grasp as I grinned...
(y/n) was finally mine...

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