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Normal P.O.V
The green clothed boy led you down the dim hallway, entering the old security room lit up by various computer screens turning to static. "Wanna play Final Fantasy...? ...Umm, I'm sorry... I didn't ask for your name..."

The blonde boy blushed lightly, peering into your (e/c) eyes. "It's (y/n)...!" You beamed up at him, a sly smile crossing his lips.

"Well... (y/n)... My name's BEN... BEN DROWNED... If you don't wanna play Final Fantasy, then we could do something better..." He chuckled, stepping towards you.

"Wh- What are you talking about?" You shuddered as he stopped in front of you, toying with your (h/c) hair in between his two pale fingers.

He set his blonde banged forehead against yours, rasping lowly: "Something VERY entertaining..." With that, he leaned down to your level, soft lips gently brushing over yours when the door slammed open, BEN leaping away from you as the doorway revealed a furious Jeff.

"BEN!!! GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM (Y/N) YOU FUCKING PERV!!! SHE'S MINE!!!" he shouted, tackling BEN to the ground, both of them tumbling to the ground in a torrent of swear words and fists beating each other senseless. 

...Typical guy fight... Something... Or rather SOMEONE, tapped you on the shoulder, you whipping around to look up at a tall, no faced man who was looming over you like a towering shadow.

"U- Umm... Hi...!" You nervously smiled, watching him inspect you with some form of a stare. "Jeff! BEN! Stop the nonsense this instant!" You heard the man say in a German accent, both of the boys stopping instantly to obey the pale man in the black suit.

"Jeff child... Is this the girl that you spoke of...?" The man asked, Jeff nodding and wiping the blood off his face. "That's the adorable (y/n) Slender..." 

"Well..." Slender started to say before five more figures arrived at the door, crowding the doorway. "What's going on here?" A voice cackled, your glance turning towards the doorway. 

The figure that the voice belonged to was tall, dressed in a black and white stripy clown suit. He had scruffy, black hair and a smile that wasn't quite as attractive as Jeff's, to top it all off... He had a swirly clown nose.

His dark gaze fell on you, a soft blush spreading to his cheeks: "Who's this?" He asked with a hint of amusement, smirk on his lips. "(y/n), MY proxy..." Jeff growled territorially, shooting daggers at the clown boy. 

The clown guy cackled like a maniac before wiping a non existent tear from the corner of his eye. "HAHAHA!!! Well, She's cute... I'll give her that..." He winked, you feeling Jeff's blood sleeved arm wrap around your shoulders.

"Can I introduce everyone at least?" The clown said mockingly, grinning when he heard a growl escape from Jeff. "(y/n),... I'm Laughing Jack, The one in the black hood and blue mask is Eyeless Jack. The short one with the head gear is Tic Tac Toby, The other two are Masky and Hoodie..."

Someone coughed from behind you all, you turning your attention to Slender. "As I was GOING to say... (y/n), you are now Jeff's proxy... Jeff... You do anything to harm this girl... And it's a tentacle up where the sun don't shine... Understood...?"

(A/N: I'm sorry!!! I just HAD to add that in there!!! X3!!!) Jeff nodded, grabbing your sleeve roughly and tugging you out of the room. He was going to make sure you were his and only his...

Laughing Jack's P.O.V
Seriously... Where did Jeff score a cute girl like that? (y/n) was adorable... Too adorable for Jeff...! "Someone thinking about (y/n) Hmn?" I swerved my head to look at a smirking BEN who was lounging around on the back of the sofa.

"Mnn... She was cute..." I muttered with a chuckle, noticing hoodie and Masky looking at me blankly. "What?! Come on! It's not like none of us thought she was cute!" I said, watching them scuff their shoes on the floor in embarrassment. "Yeah... She was pretty hot..." Masky admitted, Hoodie nodding in agreement.

"Hey Jack! Hey Jack! Hey Jack! Hey J-" "What is it Toby?!" I snarled, watching him beam up at me: "Do you think (y/n) makes waffles?"

Jeff's P.O.V
I led (y/n) down the blood splattered hallway, away from BEN the perv and everyone else. I threw the door to my room open and shoved (y/n) inside, locking the door behind us. "Hey!" She said feistily, turning to face me angrily for shoving her in there.

I whipped around to face her, a familiar, intense feeling building up inside of me. "Why were you with BEN?! I told you not to leave the chair!" I spat, gripping her shoulders hard enough to draw blood... But I didn't...

"He took my hand and led me there! I didn't know where you were so I couldn't find you!" She said, anger flashing in her beautiful (e/c) eyes. I set my forehead against hers with a sigh, watching her eyes widen. 

"(y/n)... You're mine... Not BEN's or any of those other dick's..." I groaned softly, snaking my sleeved arms around her waist. I watched her cheeks cutely blush pink as she whispered: "...OK...". 

I gave her a small smile, burying my face into her neck and starting to kiss it lightly. I smirked against her skin when she let out an involuntary moan, a sign that I had reached her sweet spot. 

I bit the spot tenderly, watching her gasp. I let out a chuckle, sucking at it and nipping occasionally until she groaned, tossing her head back. I grinned, leaning back and lying on my bed, (y/n) on top of me.

"Jeff..." She moaned, looking down at me. "Shh..." I smirked, pulling her down to my lips, kissing them roughly. I slid my tongue into her mouth, making her groan louder. My arms slid down below her hips, cupping her cute ass with my white hands.

Her fingers ran through my shoulder length black hair as I went at her neck again, suckling the spot with more force, hearing her moan my name about twice before I kissed her again.

"That's... What I like to hear... (y/n)..." I said with a smirk in between kisses. "Big brother Jeff?" A sweet voice asked, causing me to hack in surprise.

"Shit! S-Sally...!"

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