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"Seungbi has a date in an hour! Make sure everything is perfect!" Seungkwan yelled.

"She's already perfect! Everything's fine." Vernon yelled back.

You blushed slightly. "Guys calm down. He's a good guy, and please don't scare him and bombard him with questions all at once."

Jeonghan smiled. "Understood."

"Seungbi, do you like Jihun?" Soonyoung asked

"Of course I like Jihun. He's one of my friends." You replied.

"Like as a boyfriend?" Vernon asked.

You shrugged. "I don't think so. I feel pretty normal around him."

"Good." Soonyoung, Jihoon, and Vernon all said at the same time.

You tilted your head. "Why do you ask?"

Soonyoung headed to the kitchen. "No reason."

You sighed. "Okay?"

"Where is Jihun taking you, Seungbi?" Seungcheol asked, taking a sip out of his water bottle.

"I think he said he was taking me to a restaurant, then he has a surprise for me." You told him, making him nearly choke on his water.

"What kind of surprise?" He asked, slightly startled.

You laughed and headed for the kitchen. "Definitely not what you're thinking."

When you walked into the kitchen, you found Soonyoung staring at the table, and he didn't even look up at you, so you sat down next to him. "What's wrong?"

He looked up at you, and his eyes looked sad. "Nothing, why?"

"Soonyoung, you're upset, I can tell."

"I'm just worried about you going on this date, just like everyone else." He replied.

You sighed and grabbed his hand, taking him to the living room with everyone else. "Sit down." You told him. "Let's play a game while we're waiting for Jihun."

You played a few games together, and it only took about twenty minutes for the door bell to ring. The boys started squealing, making you sigh.

"I'll get the door." You said.

You walked over to the door and opened it, revealing a smiling Jihun. "Seungbi, you look stunning, as always."

"Thank you, Jihun. My friends want to meet you, is that okay?" You asked.


You stepped aside so he could walk in, and Seungcheol signaled to the chair in the middle of the room, so Jihun sat down while you stood behind him. Everyone asked what they wanted to ask, and your brother was last.

Past, Present and Mafia; SEVENTEEN ✔Where stories live. Discover now