Era sambata dimineata. Trecusera o luna de cand sunt aici si lucrurile incep sa se acomodeze. Bine, inafara de problema cu Andre, tipul acela tot imi poarta ura dar nu pot spune ca sentimentul nu e reciproc. Stau linistit si ma uit pe facebook si observ ceva ce m-a uimit total. LeBron James a semnat si v-a juca pentru Los Angeles Lakers. Asa ceva chiar nu am crezut. Deci zvonurile erau reale. Era ora 9 si nu dau de Kevin nicaieri. Am cautat in dormitoare, in bucatarie, in baie si nicaieri. Dintr-o data se deschide usa si apare el.
Kevin: Oh you are awake. Finally, I thought you're going to sleep the whole day.
Eu: Where the hell have you been?
Kevin: I was at the market that is near us. I was kind of hungry and I couldn't wait until you wake up.
Eu: Do we have practice today?
Kevin: You think we have free day? Of course.
Eu: I hope we do play game too.
Kevin: As I heard, that is what we are going to do today. But now we are not going to play subs versus starters. I think we are going to mix the teams.
Eu: I hope that Andre guy is not on my team...
Kevin: You two just don't get along with each other, do you?
Eu: He hates me and I can't do anything but to give him the same thing.
Kevin: Aham. And watch out. Someone is calling you now on the phone.
Eu: Oh thanks. I did not noticed.
Ma suna Kira. Iau telefonul ma ridic si ma duc mai incolo.
*Conversatie telefonica*
Kira: Heeeeeeeeei ceee faci?
Eu: Heeeeei bine tu?
Kira: Destul de bine. Cum e pe acolo?
Eu: Antrenamente zilnice si dure dar in rest totul e bine. Pe acolo?
Kira: Cateva lucruri s-au schimbat..
Eu: Ce s-a intamplat?
Kira: Jason s-a apucat de basket, eu si Kylie ne-am certat dar nu regret asta deloc...
Eu: A o veste buna si una rea inteleg.
Kira: Da.. cand te intorci?
Eu: Inca nu stiu... crede-ma si mie dor de casa.. mai ales de tine...
Kira: Intoarce-te repede...
Eu: Incerc.. te las, ma pregatesc sa plec la antrenament.
Kira: Bine, ai grija de tine. Ceeeau
Eu: Si voi, ceeau.
*convorbire incheiata*
Kevin: That was your "sister" again?
Eu: Yes.
Kevin: You're sure that she is not your girlfriend?
Eu: I am sure of that man...
Kevin: Okay then... get your stuff and let's get going.
Eu: Got it.
Merg si imi fac geanta ca sa pot merge la antrenament. Dupa 10 minute eu si Kevin iesim din apartament. Ies primul si cand ma intorc in dreapta vad o fata mai mica nu cu mult fata de mine, cu parul negru. Statea acolo singura de parca ar astepta ceva sau pe cineva. Dar nu e problema mea... asa ca ma intorc si pornesc cu Kevin catre teren. Sala unde tinem antrenamentul de astazi este la 30 de minute distanta. Trebuie sa fim la 12 acolo si este 11:15. Nu ne grabim si ne mai plimbam prin jur. Ne oprim la trecere fiindca era rosu. Ma uit in jur si in spate vad din aceeasi fata pe care am vazut-o langa apartamentul nostru. Probabil o coincidenta. Se face verde asa ca trecem repede. Kevin se opreste sa ia niste apa si il astept pe o banca. Ma uit in jur si vad acea fata cu parul negru ca vine pe aici. Se uita catre mine concentrat. Acum am ajuns sa fiu vanat de viu sau?... Kevin si-a luat apa si pornim spre sala. Era 11:45. Noi doi eram echipati asa ca am inceput sa facem incalzirea. Pe la 12:05 antrenorul apare in sala si ne vede pe noi doi facand incalzirea.
Coach: Hey guys. Only the 2 of you are here.
Eu: Well as you can see sir.
Coach: Where are the others?
Kevin: We don't know coach..
Coach: Incredible. They want to get in the team and they don't even come to practice... Well we are going to do other shooting and dribling practice since both of you are guards.
Eu: Understood.
Dupa aproape doua ore de antrenament vine antrenorul.
Coach: None of your teammates has not came yet?
Eu: No sir. We are here for 2 hours and still no one came here.
Coach: Oh my God. How can we play for the title of champion with a team that has only 2 players who practice. Tomorrow you two are free. And if the others are coming they will train until they won't be even able to raise their arms. You are free.
Eu&Kevin: Understood.
Mergem in vestiare si ne schimbam. Dupa 10 minute iesim din sala. Ma uit la stanga si o vad din nou pe fata aceea. Aia ce tot cauta pe aici.
Eu: Kev, do you know that girl?
Kevin: Isn't that girl who is living next to our apartment?
Eu: I don't know that is why I'm asking.
Kevin: The only thing I know is that she lives right next to us.
Eu: Ok but I don't understand why is she after us. She is following us since we left the apartment.
Kevin: Maybe she is not following us. Just ignore her. Let's go home.
Dupa jumatate de ora am ajuns acasa. Kevin a avut stralucita idee de a merge in oras. Am zis sa o fac sa vad si eu orasul acesta. Era ora 4 cand am plecat. Kevin propune sa mergem la o cafenea sa bem ceva. Ii aprob ideea si mergem spre o cafenea. Ne plimbam deja de o jumatate de ora si nu am gasit una. Dupa inca cateva minute dam de una. Ne punem jos pe scaune. Kevin a spus ca merge sa comande el ceva. Eu i-am zis ca o cafea imi ajunge. Dupa 2 minute apare inapoi. Se pune jos si eu stateam si ma holbam la ce vedeam peste drum. Un Chevrolet Camaro din 2016. Masina aceea e una din preferatele mele. Stateam si ma holbam ca un obsedat la ea.
Kevin: Hey man, you good?
Eu: Yeah, why not?
Kevin: You keep starring at that car for 6 minutes.
Eu: What can I do? I love cars.
Kevin: Uu that's great.
Eu: Yeah.
Kevin: Hey since you don't have a girlfriend, why don't you try to make one. For example, the girl that lives next to us. She doesn't look bad at all.
Eu: I don't really know man..
Kevin: I would take the chance in your place. Far away from home, you can make a hole new life here.
Eu: Maybe she got a boyfriend man.
Kevin: You can't know if you won't try.
Eu:Speaking about her, she is there with someone else. Another girl.
Kevin: For the two of us. So? You're in?
Eu: Hmm, fine. I'm in.
Stam si ne uitam la ele si apoi vin catre noi si intreaba cea care sta langa apartamentul nostru.
Girl: You two are not those guys from UCLA that live next to us?
Kevin: Yeah we are those.
Girl: I am Rachel and she is Natalie.
Eu: I am Allen.
Kevin: And my name is Kevin, but you can call me Kev.(facand cu ochiul).
Natalie se uita cu ochi dulci catre Kevin.
Rachel: Can we sit here with you guys?
Eu: Of course.
Vine tipul sa ne aduca cafelele si fetele isi comanda si ele ceva. Stam la cafenea o ora si ceva dupa care deicdem sa ne plimbam prin oras. Ele au zis ca stiu tot orasul asa ca nu e problema. Kevin si Natalie mai ca nu sareau unul pe celalalt iar eu radeam cu Rachel. Din cate mi se parea era o fata ok dar tot aveam suspiciunea ca ceva nu e inregula deloc. Parca aveam presimtirea ca nu e ceva bine deloc. Se facuse 8:30 si ne intorceam catre apartament. Ajungem in fata apartamentului. Kevin deja o saruta pe Natalie iar eu am imbratisat-o pe Rachel si eu cu Kevin am intrat in apartament.
Kevin: You see? It wasn't so bad.
Eu: Yeah it was good.
Si dupa simt ceva la cap ce stiam fara sa ma uit ca era un pistol. Kevin incremeneste iar eu stau nemiscat.
Andre: Now that you had fun it's time to settle this.
Eu: You just can't stop with the stupid things.
Andre: Believe me, even now I'm still trying to not shoot you and end this bullshit.
Eu: What is stoping you?
"Me" ridicand pistolul catre capul lui Andre.
Kevin: Rachel?
Little kids with big dreams
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