Chapter 2

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Your POV:
"(Y/n)...... Wake up...... (/n).... ke up..... WAKE UP!" I woke up startled and looked around me seeing (bsf/n) looking at me worried, "what's going on???" I said to her. She jumps at me and hugs me crying. "THANK GOD YOU'RE ALIVE..... I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO DIE!" I hug her back then remember the events that happened. I look down at my arm to see an IV and sitches in my arm. "So what happened is true.....", I shivered. "Well that's why we're here miss to know what happened. Now the person you described on the phone was the notorious 'Jeff the killer' and it seems as though that he has some sort of attraction towards you." He says as he points at my arm, "And we'd like to protect you from him, but first we need to know what happened exactly." He says in a serious tone while (bsf/n) looks at me. "Okay well it all started when....."

~ time skip 30 minutes cause y'all know what happened~

"And yea that's what happened..." I told them everything that happened from finding the note, to running home, to calling them, to being attacked, to passing out. After writing it all down the officer nodded at the other one and left. 5 minutes later another officer walked in, "I was told to watch over you for tonight, well me and another officer." She said to me and smiled a reassuring smile. "Okay also can (bsf)/n) stay?" I asked her, "Sure I don't mind!" I giggled and then she jumped on the bed. We then turned on the T.V and suddenly regretted it, "Today we are looking at the mass murder of 100 people including children. In every house written in blood is, "Sending my love to you (y/n)" And a heart in blood. Right now we are outside her hospital room to interview her. We will keep you updated. Now back to you-" I turned off the T.V looking pissed and told the nurse to lock the door. She does so and suddenly theres a blue door and a knock on my hospital window. "Lee you go to the window, I'll check out this door." "M'kay" I say to her. I get off the bed and go to the window and move the curtains and open the window and suddenly I'm tackled to the ground and (bsf/n) run towards me after leaving the door open a little and the nurse yells and unlocks the door. I look up and see Jeff grinning at me and then picks me up as a man who has mahogany colored hair yells, "Hurry the hell up Jeff" "Yeah, yeah shut your trap ToyMaker." suddenly Jeff runs to the door at an inhuman speed and grins at the "ToyMaker". "(Y/N)!!" (bsf/n) yells at me and chases Jeff till she's grabbed by a monochrome clown. "Hehehehe I don't think that's a good idea missy" he cackles at her. "Let her go now!" I yell at him. "Jeff you might want to keep your 'pet' in check before I take her and do something.... Hehehehehe" He cackles again while looking at me struggle in Jeff's arms. I ended up getting out of Jeff's grip and I landed on my hands then ran towards my friend. The clown threw her at me and I caught her with a pissed off look in my eyes, "How... fucking dare.... you throw my best friend...." I say in a dark tone and if looks could kill then the clown would be dead where he stands. "Heehee..... what ya gonna do about it pet?" I lunge at him and tackle him to the ground and start punching him till someone pulls me off of him. I turn and see the 'ToyMaker' holding me away from him and I growl. He takes me over to (bsf/n) and dropped me next to her as Jeff grinned at me and the 'ToyMaker' had an amused look on his face while the clown glared daggers at me and then stood up walking over to us. He proceeded to pick me up by the collar of my shirt and pinned me to the wall causing Jeff to growl and me yelp in pain. "L-let me go..." I say to him in a weak voice, "Nah I think I like you like this but I'd prefer it if you were under me, naked and begging me to-" "Enough L.J. She's mine and you damn well know it." Jeff growled while the clown grinned and pressed his body against mine and put his face in the crook of my neck. "And what are you going to do about it Jeffery~?" He teased the killer while breathing on my neck sending shivers down my spine. suddenly I felt a tongue on my neck but was gone as soon as it was there. "I'll fucking show you what I'm going to do abo-" Jeff was interrupted by cops barging into the room holding guns up. Jeff, the 'ToyMaker' and 'L.J' ran towards the blue door and as soon as they were gone the door disappeared. I got up and walked over to where the door once was and saw a note by it saying, "We'll be back love don't worry. But once we do we'll be taking you with us." and its signed by "Jason The ToyMaker" or "JTTM" I sight then head back to the bed while the cops ask me and (bsf/n) questions. After we answered all the questions (bsf/n) jumped into the bed and faced the opposite direction of me on it and we fell asleep.


YAY ANOTHER CHAPTER DONE AND THIS TOOK ME FOREVER. ANYWAYS you met two new people Jason and Laughing Jack. Anyways, I'm grounded from my phone right now so I'm using my laptop so yeaaaaaaa but oh well. And as always I'll see you guys in the next chapter! Bye my little demons!

Sadistic love (Jeff the killer X Reader)(on hold)Where stories live. Discover now