Chapter 1: Bestest Best Friends

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"Roni! Hey! Wait up!" I hear Aaron yell after me. I stop in my tracks still looking straight ahead and he catches up. "Are you not going to walk me to school anymore, R?" he asks me fake crying. "Do you not like me?" he fake cries again. "Aaron you're my best friend and all, but shouldn't you be walking with your girlfriend?" I ask him. "Yeah well we got into another fight again last night, I guess she doesn't like me spending too much time with my family," he says with his head low. "You're kidding me?! Aaron, listen to me spend as much time as possible with your family, and if she really wants to see you she can hang out with you and your family. I mean I totally would. Who wouldn't want to get a makeover from princess gorgeous?" I laugh. He smiles and chuckles a bit. "See, we're smiling now, isn't that better?" I chuckle too. "Absolutely," he smiles and we walk the rest of the way to school.

We walk into the main hallway with all the lockers and we hear from behind us, "AARONIPUPPYPOKISNUGGLEBOO!" I laugh and turn around to see Sarah attacking Aaron with a hug. He gives me a look that is screaming help. I just pat his shoulder and walk towards my locker. "See you in history class!" He yells after me. I give him a solid thumbs up and he finger guns me back and than gets dragged away by Sarah. I light and turn around to see Harrison and my sister sucking each other's faces next to my locker. "Hey, the PDA club is meeting at that locker over there, not this one," I say putting in my combination. They break apart and Harrison laughs, "How you been Roni? I haven't seen you in two weeks since I was on vacation." he asks politely. "Which was probably why we were having a moment, since he's been away for two weeks." Nessa chimes in. I look at Nessa and ignore her comment and turn to Harrison. "I've been alright. I've had to deal with this one by myself for a bit." I say grabbing my stuff. Nessa just rolls her eyes and smiles. "Hahaha, I'm sure you've got it under control, well I should get going or Mrs. Jones will have my neck." I wave goodbye and once he turns the corner Nessa leans against my locker. "How are you feeling? About Aaron being back with Sarah for like the millionth time." she asks. "They had another fight last night, but I don't think they'll ever officially break up," I say closing my locker and walking to Algebra, "Yeah, well, what can you do?" Nessa shrugs. "Hope and pray," I joke and she laughs. The bell rings and Nessa walks to class and I sit down next to Ethan. "Hey Roni," he says groggily. "Hey E, did you stay up late last night again?" I ask pulling out my math binder. "Yeah, I was at Emma's," he says and I raise an eyebrow at him questionably, "No, oh my god, no we didn't do that, but we watched a bunch of scary movies and she was cuddled up to me and I just got distracted and didn't see the time. She went home around 3:30 ish." he says. "Sounds like your whole officially not official thing with Emma is going pretty well, speaking of, where is she?" I ask. Right as I say that the door bursts open and Emma wearing her hair up in a messy bun, with a Sweatshirt, vans, and some jean shorts. "Am I late?" she asks frantically. "Yes, by to minutes," the teacher says handing her a detention slip. "Shit, sorry I slept in late." she says and the teacher starts to teach. "Ethan your staring," I whisper over to him as he's gazing at her, he hears me and draws his attention away from her and I chuckle.

It's time for history class with Aaron, my favorite. I walk in and sit down next to him. "Hey pretty," he says looking down writing on paper. I blush and realize he's drawing, "What are you drawing?" I ask him. "Your dog," he responds casually and turns the notebook towards me so I can see Tiger extremely well drawn with a top hat, a cane, and a monocle. I laugh and he does too. "K forget how good you are at sketching," I say. "Thank you," he says doing a pretend hair flip. Class starts and we had to do paperwork. "You can talk, but please use your inside voices," the teacher says and Aaron whispers to me, "You doing anything school?" "No why?" I ask. "Cool, Harrison was wondering if you, me, Nessa, and him could go out to the movies later, only if you wanna go though. I'm cool with just hanging out at one of our houses and eating each other's food," he says smiling with his gorgeous smile of his. "I'll go to the movies, sure." I say. "Wow, that's a first. You usually are studying and doing homework," he teases me. "Well usually you bring Sarah along and it's just me by myself," I say and his smile fades. "You know I try to hang out and talk to you when she's there and she invites herself and I just get dragged away from you. Really I wish she wouldn't do that." age rambles. "Aaron, it's okay," I comfort him. He nods his head slowly and smiles at me. Class finally ends and we have lunch. Aaron and I walk into the cafeteria and sit with Nessa, Harrison, Ethan, Emma, Swoozie, Franny, and Bobby. We are all sitting and talking. I didn't notice how close me and Aaron were sitting until I got pushed towards Emma who caught me before falling over. I turn to see it's Sarah. I feel my face become red and and my fist become a ball. I'm glaring at Sarah who is obviously making Aaron feel uncomfortable. "Sarah I'm trying to eat lunch with my friends," he says pushing her away a bit. "Well I want to meet and hang out with your friends other than them," she says pointing at Nessa Harrison and I disgusted. "Hey! Roni is my Best Friend and Harrison and Nessa are really good friends of mine! Don't state them like that," Aaron says angrily. "Fine. Well, I think that Aaron and I should hold a little get together tonight," she says. "Actually we are all going to the movies tonight," Bobby says and everyone glares at him, he mouths sorry. "Perfect! Me and Pookiebooboopants will be there," she says tapping Aaron's nose and walking away. Aaron looks annoyed and apologized to the group. I scoot back over to Aaron and take a sip of my water. " you doing Pookiebooboopants?" I ask laughing. "Shut up," he laughs.

Cool, new book, let's see how it goes. Tell me what you think so far.

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