Chapter 6: Day with Aaron

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I wake up around 10 and smile remembering yesterday. I check my phone and it's Aaron reminded me to come over because Princess Gorgeous wants to see me. I giggle a bit and get up and change quickly, I put on my makeup and straightened my hair. I walk downstairs into the kitchen and Nessa is there. "Hey Roni," She says obviously a but hung over, "Hi, I'm gonna leave in like two minutes to go to Aaron's," I say eating an apple. "Aaron's? Like taking it slow Aaron's? Like the Aaron you kissed last night Aaron?" she ask smirking. "Yes that Aaron. Princess Gorgeous wanted to see me," I say. "I don't think Princess Gorgeous is the only one who wants to see you," she says taking a sip of her apple juice, I roll my eyes and throw the apple core away and drive over to Aaron's place. I knock on the door and it Aaron's Mom opens it. "RONNIIIII," I hear a yell from the living room, "Princess Gorgeous is that you?" I ask and walk in as their mom motions me to come inside, she runs over and hugs my leg, "You came!" She says excited. "Of course I did!" I say and she pulls me into the living room where Aaron is sitting on the couch. She has all her toys on the ground in I sit on the couch near Aaron, he glances up from his book and smiles a bit and returns back to his book. "Roni, come down with me!!" Princess Gorgeous complains. "Okay, okay," I say putting my hands up in defeat and moving to the floor next to her. "Which doll do you want? Because I want the pink one," she says and I laugh a bit, "I will take this one," I say holding up a doll, she giggles and we play with toys and read some of her books that she likes, Aaron and I couldn't stop glancing at each other. "Why are guys looking at each other all the time you've been here?" She asks wondering, I blush and Aaron goes completely shocked, "what?" She asks even more confused, Aaron stutters for a good ten seconds, "I haven't noticed, I guess we are, well it's fine, I don't know why," I say cooly, or at least trying. She gives us a weird look and we continue to play. Then Aaron's mom walks in the room, "Princess Gorgeous, you have a birthday party to attend, get in the car," she says sweetly and once Princess Gorgeous runs out to the car Mrs. Burriss turns towards us. "Okay, we'll be back around 6, no parties, got it?" She jokes around, "Like usually, nothing will be happening here," I say smiling. "Good, your father and Andrew are gonna be at Alex's game for the night and then out to dinner so don't get worried if they don't get home around the usual time," she adds. "You got it," I say and she walks out of the house closing the door. "So nothing will be happening here? Nothing at all?" He asks closing his book and pulling me up to the couch. "No, why? You got plans?" I tease and he laughs. "Well, I mean this really cute girl is over my house and I was planning on hanging out with her," he says. "Yeah? Do I know her?" I ask playing along. "Yeah, her name's Vanessa," he says breaking a laugh. I give him an annoyed look, "Oh come onnnn, that was funny!" he complains. I roll my eyes and laugh, "Yeah okay." He grins, "What do you want to do?" he asks. "Can we watch some tv, it's been a while since I have," I suggest. "Sure okay, what do you want to watch?" he asks grabbing the remote control, "Friends?" I suggest, "Friends." he agrees. Not even ten minutes into watching Friends Aaron puts arm around me casually. "Wow, if you told me we were supposed to be cliche I would have suggested a sunset overlooking L.A instead of watching friends," I say joking around. Aaron laughs, "Or you could just move closer to me," he suggest and I giggle and sit closer to him. "Really?" he says chuckling, "what?" I laugh. "You moved like ten centimeters closer to me and sat up straight," he laughs and tugs my hip closer to him and I oblige and get closer to him, I put my head on his shoulder, "Better?" I ask with a smile. "Actually you're a little bit close...." he says and I lift my head off his shoulder and give him a confused look, he laughs, "I'm just kidding," he says and pulls me back down to him. We sit watching friends until around three. "This is nice," I whisper. "What is?" Aaron whispers back. "This. Us together like this. You have no idea how long I've waited for this," I say and smile lifting my head off his and giving him a small peck on his lips. He smiles and I do too, "See like that right there! I can finally be able to kiss you," I say now sitting facing him with my legs crisscrossed, he looks at me, "You call that a kiss R?" he teases. I put my hand on his cheek and the other on his shoulder, he grabs my waist and I move in closer to him and pull away right before our lips touch, and smile at him, "Depends on what you're acting like," I whisper and stand up walking into the kitchen. He runs after me and grabs my waist whipping me around to face him, "Well what do I have to do?" he asks moving me closer to him, I pull away from his grip and sit on his kitchen counter, "I'm not sure. You should try and make an attempt though," I say. He walks right in between my legs and puts is hands on my hips and tries to look me in the eyes, but I repeatedly run my hands through his hair. "Does my hair look good now?" he asks and I nod and finally meet his eyes. I glance at his lips and wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him softly. He motions for me to hold onto his hips with my legs, he pulls me off the counter and carries me to the couch and and places me down and hovers over me, I deepen the kiss and put my hands in his hair purposely getting them tangled in it. The door slams open and we jump apart quickly and see that Sarah had burst into the house and Aaron motions for me to hide. I go into the bathroom quietly and lock the door, I hear Aaron and Sarah, "I want my stuff back!" Sarah screams, "Sarah you don't have anything of yours here, can you please leave now?" Aaron says calmly. "Why do you want me to leave, do you have a girl over?" She asks suspiciously. I smile a little and hear Aaron say, "That's none of your business," I decide to make Sarah aggravated, so I flush the toilet and turn on the sink water and turns it off. I walk out of the bathroom and walk over to them, "Oh hey Sarah," I say pretending I didn't know she was here. "Roni? What are you doing here?" She ask mad. "Oh me? Well, funny story actually, I came over around 11 and then Aaron and I sat REALLY close together and watched Friends, which is ironic really because we were just making out like 3 minutes ago and then you came barging in and I went to the bathroom and now we're here having this conversation," I say grabbing Aaron's and he tries not to laugh. She looks at Aaron in shock, he nods agreeing to what I said and she walks out of the house and slams the door shut. I smile at him, "I was not expecting that," he says and I laugh. A couple minutes pass and he asks if I want to go to Arby's, I agree and we get in the car and head there.

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