Chapter 11: Silly String

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It's been 2 days and my parents left yesterday, Aaron said he'd be over two minutes. Harrison walks through the door, "Hey Roni, how you doing?" he asks and walks towards the stairs. "I'm good, what about you?" I ask and he puts his arm on the railing of the stairs, leaning. "I'm doing great. Nessa's in her room I'm guessing?" He asks. "There or the kitchen," I joke and he laughs and runs up the stairs and walks towards her room, then stops and yells from the top of the stairs, "You're much more easy to get by then Paul!" He yells and I laugh. 5 minutes pass and no Aaron. 10 minutes. 12 minutes, I text him asking where he is. Right as I hit send Aaron fall in through the door. His hair is a mess, his nose is bleeding, he has a black eye, and his hands are scraped. "Aaron! Omg what happened!? Are you okay?!" I ask frantically sitting him down and getting him and ice pack and some bandages. I hand him the ice pack and he places it on his eye, I put a tissue up to his nose and the bleeding stops, "What happened?" I ask again. "I fell," he lied. "What really happened?" I ask him bandaging up his free hand. "Ryan saw me walking by myself to your house and he said some stuff to me and I pushed him, then we had a bit of a fight," he says in shame. "Aaron..." I whisper cupping his face with my small hand. "You should see him though," he jokes and I quietly laugh a little and he smiles. I lift his head to look at me and I kissed him softly, it was quick, but it was nice. I finished bandaging him up, "Thanks R," he says pulling me down into a hug, "You're welcome," I say and cuddle closer to him. All of a sudden Nessa runs down stairs giggling carrying a bottle of silly string and sprays me and Aaron we run after her and Harrison runs down handing us bottles of silly string and we have a silly string fight. Harry and Nessa go back up stairs and Aaron and I are out of breath. He looks over at me and sprays me casually. "Oh it's on," I say and chase him around the kitchen and he sprays me again and grabs me by the waist and pulls me close and continues to spray the silly string at me "Aaron!!" I yell and he laughs and picks me up placing me on the kitchen counter and keeps his hands on my waist. "You've got something on your shirt," I say spraying the can of silly string on his shirt quickly. "That really hurt my feelings," he says acting offended. "how will I ever make it up to you?" I giggle wrapping my arms around his neck, he moves in and kisses me and I kiss back then we both pull away quickly and his nose is bleeding so much, "Oh - my - god," I say in-between laughs as he stuffs tissues to his nose. "So what have we learned about getting into fights?" I ask him annoyingly, still laughing. "Not to," he says embarrassed with tissues put right up to his nose. I slide off the counter and give him a big hug, "Pinch the brim of your nose it will help stop the bleeding," I say pulling away from the hug. He pinches the brim of his nose, Harrison runs down the stairs with Nessa clinging onto his back, "Harry's staying the night," she says and they go to the couch. I roll my eyes, "Great, cant wait to here them all night," I say as Aaron throws away the tissues since his nose stopped bleeding, "You can stay at mine if you want," he suggests. "Aren't your parents home?" I ask concerned. "Yeah, but just sneak in through my bedroom window, its on the first floor," he says. "Okay, around 10 ish sound good?" I ask and he smiles grabbing his stuff and heading for the door, "Absolutely," he says and kisses my cheek, "Really?" I ask, "What?" He asks concerned. "That's your goodbye kiss?" I joke and he smiles and kisses me hard and pins me to the wall. "Well damn...." I laugh and he does too, he walks out of the house and I smile to myself.

I check my phone outside of Aaron's window it's 10:12 pm I climb in through the window to see Aaron without a shirt on going through his closet. I walk up behind him quietly, "boo," I say and he jumps away and turns to see me standing there, "Roni oh my god you scared me," he whispers and I sit on his bed and unconsciously stare at his chest. He clears his throat and I snap out of my stare, he laughs a little bit then puts a shirt on and sits down next to me, "How's Varrison doing?" he asks. "Good, don't be surprised I'd have hickeys all over their bodies the next time you see them," I say and he laughs. He pulls me over so I'm sitting on his lap, "Would they be surprised if the next time they saw you, you had a hickey?" he asks and kisses my jawline. "Probably," I state and he chuckles a bit, "I don't think your parents would be fond of the idea of you staying over here and Harry and yours," he says, "Well they aren't here are they?" she smirks, he grins and kisses me slowly and flips me over onto the bed, I break the kiss, "You Okay? I wasn't trying to make you feel uncomfortable or anything, I'm sorry," he says quickly and I put my finger over his lips to stop him, "I'm fine, this is fine, we're fine, my phone just buzzed and I want to make sure Nessa is all good, that's it," I say and he sighs out of relief and nods his head. It was a text from Nessa and it said: I'm guessing you're at Aaron's, if you are no need to text back, but if you aren't, where are you? I put my phone away and join Aaron who was under the covers, I wrapped my whole body around his trying to cuddle all of him and he kissed my forehead and hugged me back, we both drifted of to sleep in minutes.

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