Chapter 3 - Lucky

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Someone shouted from a distance, or at least it sounded like they were far away, I couldn't really tell. I was too busy killing zombies in my dream. I groaned and turned over in bed, ignoring whoever it was that was calling me.

A big horde of zombies just ran into the store. I took off towards the back exit in a hurry, not wasting any time. It was every man for himself. I didn't understand why my stupid co-workers just stood there trying to fight them off while throwing utensils at the bloodthirsty beasts.

"Just run, idiots!" I shouted as I had just reached the back exit.

I threw open the door and a blast of light hit me right in the face, temporarily blinding me.

"Come with me!" A man screamed from nearby.

After my eyes adjusted to the sun, I looked around for the man but saw no one. I could hear growling and screaming closing in behind me, knowing the infected were near. I quickly turned around and shut the door. I was still looking around for the man but I saw no one. I was tempted to run down the street, but for some reason, I just stood there... almost like I was suddenly frozen in place.

My mind had wandered, so I hadn't seen the zombie that leaped out from behind the big dumpster beside me. I screamed as it charged at me full force.

"I said come with me!" went the man's voice again, and then I felt a painful tug on my arm as my body jerked to the side.

"Sierra! Wake your ass up!"

I swung my arm out as a reflex to the tug and accidentally smacked someone square in the face.

"Ow!" Angela cried. "What the hell, dude?"

I wiped my eyes as I tried to focus on her face. She was standing next to my bed rubbing her cheek. I laughed. "I'm sorry. I thought you were a zombie."

She playfully hit me on the arm. "We're all going out for breakfast. My treat. You have ten minutes to get ready or we're leaving your ass here."

She then spun around and left the room.

I quickly shook off the creepy dream and got up to shower. I'm not much of a girlie girl, so it didn't take me long to get dressed. I rarely wore makeup and didn't give two shits about styling my hair, so I was ready to go in about twenty minutes.

"Seriously..." Angela sighed heavily once I walked into the living room. She eyed my lazy attire then shook her head in disapproval. "You desperately need a new wardrobe. I know you have other clothes in your closet besides sweatpants!"

"Yeah, but..." I started.

"Ugh, you know what, that's it!" Angela cut me off. "We're going shopping today, for you and Chrissy, and I'm not taking no for an answer."

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