All of my life.

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Four years passed since you last saw Jungkook. You could say that in those four years it was pretty rough. You and wonwoo broke up after you realized that you still loved Jungkook. One night, you went partying with your friends and was drugged. Next morning you woke up in a hotel room, naked. Next thing you knew you were pregnant. Literally one of the worst days of your life. That was until your daughter was born.  You were planning to give her up for adoption but once you saw her beautiful dark skin and curly black hair you fell in love. Today was her birthday and you guys were at the park because weirdly enough she loved the outdoors.

"Freya, I swear if you go anywhere that I can't see you. Your cake is gone." She nods her head and gives you a kiss on your cheek.

"Okay! Love you mommy." You waved her off and smiled.

After a few minutes you looked up and saw Freya playing with a boy. You awed at their cuteness as they walked around holding hands.

"Mind if I sit here?" You jumped upon hearing a males voice. Not turning around you tell him that's it's okay. "Is that you daughter?" You finally lock eyes with the male. You and the male eyes go wide once you both get a good look at each others face.

"Boy, I swear if someone is pranking me." You said ready for the cameras to pop up. The male shake his head.

"No-he chuckles-It's really me, Jungkook."

"Oh...oh." Jungkook laughs and slides down closer to you.

"It's been a are you?" He asks while admiring the kids.

"Well, nothing much. I just have a daughter now haha." You awkwardly laughed. You were blessed to have a daughter but not so much on how it happened. Luckily the guy who did that to you was behind bars.

"Cool, I-uh have a son. Actually his birthday is today." You turned around.

"Really! Today is my daughter's birthday." Jungkook gave you a wide smile.

"If you don't mind...could we spend the day together. For the kids since they are getting along." You turned your direction towards the kids and smiled.

"Sure, but what happened to you and Tzuyu was it?" He sighs.

"We uh broke up."

"Oh." Jungkook let's out a dry chuckle. 

"What happened to you and winwoo." You gave him a look.

"Wonwoo and we also broke up. So, wait does that mean you're married to a different person?" Jungkook nod.

"She passed away after giving birth. What about you?" You shook your head.

"More of a personal matter. Also I'm sorry that must've been horrible."

"Yeah it was." You pat his shoulder.


"Daddy!" You both looked at your kids.

"Can we go eat? We hungry." Your daughter sat on your lap while as Jungkook's son gave you his pouting face. You looked at Jungkook who just smiles. 

"What are you guys waiting for? Ice cream seems good right about now." Jungkook says as he your daughter climbs on his back.

"Let's go!" She said. You picked up Jungkook's son, Justin, on your hip.

After dinner and endless toy stores you invite them over to sing happy birthday.

It was very difficult for you to hang around him like that shit was normal. Nothing about today was normal and you knew that but you also hoped for a second chance. The kids went to your daughters room as you and Jungkook cleaned the kitchen.

"Thank you for today-you looked at Jungkook-It's been hard to do a lot of things by myself especially with traveling." You smiled and set the dish down.

"I-uh feel bad for breaking up with you." Jungkook gives you a look. "Actually I regret-"

"Mommy can me and Justin have some juice?" You nod and grabbed some from the fridge. 

"Here you go baby." She smiles and runs back to her room.

"(Y-Y/N) I don't know what to say." You shook your head.

"I should've just kept my mouth closed." You chuckled sadly as you walk to your bedroom. He follows after you.


"What Jungkook?! I know you don't love me anymore...who would?" Jungkook gives you a look.

"What do you mean?" You sigh lightly and closed your eyes.

"I mean who would love someone who was raped? J-just go you making me so damn dramatic." You were ready to hear the door shut. You were ready to offically start you life without him. You were ready. You felt arms around your waist.

"I still love you...I'm so sorry that you had to go through that no one deserves that." You felt tear drops on your exposed shoulder. Turning around you saw that Jungkook was crying. For some odd reason it made you cry to. Like everything just suddenly collapsed. "M-Marry me." You look up with widen eyes.


"I said marry me. I want a family with you. I want to be with you." You gave him a look.

"Boy-you sniffled-It's been four years don't be bold." You laughed.

"Why not? I'm ready! Are you?" You gave him a small smile.

" she gonna be my new mommy?" You both turned around and saw your kids standing there. Honestly at that moment you wanted to slap your daughter. Her ass was always sucking those damn fingers and her ass knew she wasn't going to wash her hands.

'Well..." you looked at Jungkook.

"What?" He sighs and bend down on one knee.

"Will you marry me?"

Two years later...

"Tell me why the hell my ass got pregnant again? I'm tired of damn kids." Jungkook chuckles as he plays with his wedding ring.

"Because we wanted kids together." You sighed.

"Shit I thought two were enough...speaking of kids where are they?" Jungkook shrugs.

"Probably in the livingroom playing." You pull your blanket off of you and walked out of the bedroom-more like wobbled-to the livingroom.

"Hey babies." Your kids turned around and smiled.

"Mommy!" They both shouted as the ran over to you.

"Mommy! When is the baby coming?" Justin asks as he attempts to pat your belly. You laughed.

"A couple of more weeks baby." You felt a hand on your back and looked back. Jungkook places a kiss on your cheek.

"How about you guys go get changed so we can go out today." Freya runs to Jungkook.

"Daddy! Can I get some ice cream? Mommy ate the rest of it." She pouted as she looked at you.

"Snitch. You know snitches get stitches bit-"

"Of course you can." Your daughter stickes out her tongue.

"And mommy bitches get stitches." You and Jungkook eyes widen.

"Jungkook go get my belt." Your daughter screams as Jungkook carefully tried to hold you back.

"I may be seven months pregnant but my ass can still beat you! Lemme at her."

(A/N) literally was so pissed because I thought I lost this story but then I went to revision and it restored everything. I wanted to fight wattpad... also im starting a youtube soon. Once I start uploading would you guys like me to put the name somewhere? Idk some ppl like to know what the writer looks like? Or is that just me?

(QOTD) do you try to learn kpop dances?
(AOTD) bitcchhhhh...yes. I'm learning
'Glass shoe by fromis_9
'Thanks by almost there hehe
'Bad boy and peek a boo by red velvet.  Also a bitch know how to do the dances to fake love and im proudddd

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