what the fuck.

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So this is based of how I would react...oh lord

You sighed loudly as you read the text from your best friend, Jungkook. It's not like you hate the kid but you just came home from work and you were tired as hell. Being a model in Korea was no joke. You can still remember the sly racist coment you heard from one of the workers. Even though you wanted to pop the bitch in her mouth you still needed money. You walked over to your closet.

"Bummy?-you stared at your hoodies-or-you look at your skirts-decent?" You mumbled to yourself. You shrugged you shoulders as you found your gray hoodie and some blue jeans. "Perfect." You walked towards your bathroom. They really did your fro, extra bitches. You pulled your hair into a high pull and did your edges. Finding your hoops you smiled as you put on your lip gloss. Grabbing your wallet and phone you head to your door. You sat on your steps and slid on your white vans. Your keys jingles as you ran to your car. "Damnit," you sighed as your stomach grumbled. "Oh man, hmm yelp wings it is."

You parked in front of the boys dorm. With bbq and hot wings in your hands. You walked upstairs wondering why did Jungkook even asked you to come over? Not like you were complaining-anymore-you had to admit you did have a slight crush on the kid. When you guys first met-three years ago-you were so happy.

Three years ago...

"Damnit," you mumbled as you ran as fast as you could. You were late for your first modeling gig. Shit it wasn't your fault thay you car just decided to die on you. Your heart sank, she was your first car. You smiled widely as you saw the building. "Finally." You breath as you came close to the door. That was until you ran into something making you fall.

"Oh my god," the man said as he held his hand out. You grab it and stand up. "I'm so so sorry are you okay?" You look up at the male and your eye widens. He did the same.

"Are you Jungkook from BTS?" You whispered. Jungkook was surprised he didn't think you were going to whisper it to him. He was expecting more of you screaming and asking for pictures and what not.

"I'm sorry, I can take a pictures at the moment-" you shook your head.

"Nah, you cool. I was just wondering. I respect you and your boys I won't scream." You said with a smile which Jumgkook returned. Nothing like he expected.

"W-what's your name?" He asked with a bit of red cheeks. You didn't think much of it though.

(Y/N). And if you dont mind I kind of have to go but it was cool to meet you." You waved as you walked to the building. Jungkook smiled as he knew you two would meet again.

Turns out he was also a modeling for the company and you two were partners. You got to know each other and exchanged numbers now you guys were friends till this day. You didn't think he liked you back. He wouldn't like someone as weird and tomboish as yourself. You smiled sadly as you knocked on their door. You didn't get an answer so you punched in their code. They gave it to you but you still had manners. What if they were naked when you walk in? You walked in and took off your shoes exchanging it for you black slippers.

"Hello?" You said as you walked up the stairs. "Is anyone here?" The lights were turned off. You sighed and set the food on the counter. Shit if you had to wait it was their fault that you ate thier food. Before you could eat one wing the lights turned on. "Huh," you said then you heard music. You stood up. "WHAT THE FUCK? You screamed as you saw Jungkook in a sexy outfit. You covered your eyes as he started dancing. You were very shy when it came to sexy shit. You heard soft breaths. You uncovered your eyes and saw Jungkook in front of you doing that one dance where he looks like he's humping the air but still loooked hot as fuck...yeah that dance. You were freaking out. "J-Jungkook, stop." You asked softly eyes closed tightly.

Jungkook looks at you with red cheeks. He walks over to his phone snd turned off the msuic. "W-What's wrong? I thought you likes this type of stuff?" You shook your head and screamed. Without thinking you took of your hoodie and threw it at him.

"PUT IT ON!" You said as you awkwardly stood there. Jungkook chuckles at your cuteness.

"(Y/N) I can't fit this plus your bra is showing." Yoir eyesbrows furrowed as you looked down and your black lace bra was showing you screamed again.

"W-What the fuck-you saw Jungkook grab a hoodie of his own from the couch-hey give me mine back." He throws it at you. He eyes you the whole time as pull on your hoodie. "Who told you I liked that type of shit?" You sighed. Your face felt warm as you sat down and put your head into your hands.

"I-uh the boys did." Your eyebrows furrowed.

"Why would the boys say that?" You said without looking at him you were too embarrassed.

"I asked them I-shit. I LIKE YOU! Wait-I LOVE YOU!" You finally looked at him with widen eyes.

"What the fuck!  No shit you being serious?" You stood up.

"I do-I love you (Y/N)! Wil you be my girlfriend?" You smiled.

"Yeah, but don't do shit like that ever again.  It's bad enough that you look fine everyday let's not turn it up a notch." Jungkook nods. You sat down and started to eat your wings. Jungkook stared at you confused.

"What's wrong kookie?" He scratch his neck.

"Isn't this the part where we kiss?" You took a bite of your wings then laughed. People may have called you a pig at this moment but he thought it was cute. He loved that you didn't care about how others thought of you.

"Nah I'm straight, you already gave me a heart attack." He sighs and sits down across from you.

"Okay, I can wait...now lemme have some." You nod and slid the container to him.

"Y'all can come eat too, there's enough for everyone." The boys chuckle as they came around the corner. "I hope y'all know I'm kicking you asses for messing with my boy." You said to your six 'brothers'. They nod.

"How the hell did you even get a boyfriend? Rude hoe." You shook your head.

"Shut the fuck up Yoongi. We all know you want all of this." Jungkook shook his head.

"No, he can't I only can!" You smiled.

"Of course kookie."

(A/N) this was random as hell but it's cool. Also I had this random idea where I wanna make a book talking about black woman struggles talking about struggles I've went through and maybe others can relate idk im thinking

(QOTD) how would you react if you were in this situation with your bias?
(AOTD) I'm the type who would be super shy and would be so conflicted ahhh

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2018 ⏰

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