chapter 1

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Kihyun woke up to his alarm clock, yawning loudly, he glanced at his desk nearby, neat and arranged. He smiled at the discipline he had to keep it tidy around his apartment, but one thing was certain. He would never boast about how or what he does.

Enough about that. Let's continue about what's happening in the present. He wore his slippers as he rushed to the bathroom, quickly taking a shower before he started grooming himself.

He smiled at the mirror as he combed his hair, he wore his contact lens as he stepped out of the bathroom, so different from how he woke up.

This is how much Yoo Kihyun changes from night to morning. He puts effort into everything he does, which was also why he was loved and now the student council president.

He's been doing well the past few months, hosting the parties, fixing the events and more. After pushing his worries about future events away, he opened his phone, calling his bestfriend.

"Hey Yoongi!" the male chirped as he ate pancakes he made not too long ago for breakfast. "You ready Ki?" Kihyun responded with a simple hum of approval as he continued eating.

"Did you eat breakfast yet?" Kihyun asked from the other line, curiosity of the other's health concerning him. The sound of silence was already an answer for Kihyun, and Damn, Yoongi knew that very well.

As of far concern for his childhood friend, he'd always act as the mother for him and the other people he's really really close to.

He made the male a sandwich before walking towards the rooms of his two maknaes, he slowly knocked gently before exclaiming "COME OUT YOU BASTARDS" he smiled in satisfaction as the doors opened, revealing the two maknaes in their uniform.

Though his expression flattened as he had a glimpse of Changkyun's messy necktie, he sighed as he pulled Changkyun closely, scolding the youngest "How many times do I have to remind you on how you tie a necktie!"

The youngest pouted as Jooheon started laughing "It's because Mom always helped me." Kihyun sighed in memory of his Mom that passed away.

"Kyun, sometimes in life, you need hardships to learn, okay?" Changkyun nodded slowly as they heard honks outside the house.

"Get your breakfasts on the kitchen, don't forget to get Yoongi's as well and let's get going" Kihyun mumbled as he walked towards his room, slinging his bag on his back, walking towards the door where his two brothers were.

The three Yoos were greeted with a smile from Yoongi who was seen in the drivers seat as the window was rolled down "Gotta go, we don't wanna be late don't we?"

"Hyung, I still wonder why you go to school an hour earlier. Most of the people are still asleepppp" Jooheon whined "It's because Yoongi and I have to arrange documents for the school don't you see?"

"Well Jooheon-ah, I think you prefer this instead of waiting for buses or walking to school" Yoongi snapped back in a calm yet threatening manner, which kept Kihyun unbothered due to how much he's seen Yoongi like this.

But aside from that fact, Yoongi's reason to act so grumpy early in the morning was because he doesn't want to be greeted with an angry Kihyun early in the morning. But Yoongi decided to throw away the awkward aura by starting a conversation with a different topic

"By the way Changkyun, why don't you want Kihyun to date?" Changkyun huffed at the question "I don't want to share hyung with anyone but you and Jooheon" this statement actually brought Kihyun to laughter.

"Besides, if I'll let anyone date hyung, it better be you, Yoongi hyung" the two males in front choked at the sudden answer "What the heck, Kyun!" Yoongi threw back as a response

Kihyun recovered from his reaction earlier and started laughing "I don't mind though Yoongi, someone like you is definitely something or someone I need in life" he slumped back onto his seat as he stared at the clear highways.

Yoongi just smiled "Guess so." Changkyun squealed at the moment he just viewed. Jooheon on the other hand started worrying for his hyung, Son Hyunwoo. Though he just kept his charming smile. But he was definitely sure to report this to his hyung so he can finally start making a move on his older brother Kihyun.

As they arrived, Jooheon bid the trio goodbye as he rushed under the cherry blossom garden where a young male with glasses and a book were to be located.

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Jooheon rushed towards a buff like figure under the cherry blossom trees "Hyung! Hyung!" he exclaimed as he ran as fast as he could.

"Hyunwoo hyung" he blurted out, sweat glistening his forehead "Woah, Jooheon, calm down, it's too early to sweat that much" the older male simply smiled.

"What brings you here by the way, Joo?" Hyunwoo asked, closing his book as he started wiping his glasses "It's about Kihyun hyung" he whispered.

Hyunwoo's eyes sparkled with love at the mention of Kihyun's name "W-What about him?" Jooheon pouted as he whispered what happened inside Yoongi's car on the way here.

Hyunwoo just frowned "forget it Joo, I don't think I'll ever have a shot or chance to say the least." Jooheon just sighed "Hyung, one way or another! You'll be with him soon, you just gotta warm up with him. I heard that they're changing the class arrangements again"

Hyunwoo's eyes lightened up abit with hope by the news, though his frown hasn't disappeared just yet "E-Even if we do change classes, what's in it for me, I'll always remain in my classes because of my weird nerd self"

"HyUNWoO hYunG!" another voice exclaimed as the duo's attention diverted to the source of noise "M-Minhyuk?" Jooheon looked at the figure running close to them.

"Hi Min, why are you here so early?" Hyunwoo questioned as Jooheon tried his best to hide his blush from the average sunshine.

"Just thought I should drop by early and hang out with you guys" Minhyuk fiddled with his fingers as he smiled at the two.

"Of course, do you want cookies?" Hyunwoo offered as Minhyuk nodded, taking one "Thanks hyunggieee, so what were you guys talking about?" the sunshine asked.

"All about Kihyun hyung" Jooheon brought up as he sat down beside the box of cookies, eventually taking one "Oh Wait! Hyung, have this healthy sandwich Kihyun hyung made" Jooheon mentioned as almost forgot about his breakfast Kihyun prepared.

Hyunwoo blushed and looked at the sandwich Jooheon handed over, he stared at it for at least good 10 seconds as he opened the container, taking a small bite.

"It's delicious as always.." Hyunwoo chuckled as Jooheon and Minhyuk wheezed at their Hyung's cute reaction from a sandwich made by his crush aka. Jooheon's big (actually smol) brother.

He ate it halfway before closing the container, he planned to save it for later, he opened his mouth as he thanked Jooheon for the sandwich "have as much as cookies as you want, Jooheon-ah"

It was the least Hyunwoo could do for his dongsaeng. For now at least

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