°Chapter one°

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third pov

"Hyung I'm scared why do I have to go!?, w-why can't hobi hyung go he actually likes new people!" Jungkook complained in the arms of his older boyfriend.

"Baby it's only going to be six days filming and you will only be away for seven days you'll be back home in one week it's okay and I'm sure they will love you..." Yoongi says dragging his large hands through Jungkooks soft fluffy hair as jungkook nuzzled closer to his boyfriends touch.

"...plus who wouldn't love that cute lil butt of yours." Yoongi said causing Jungkook to let out a cute giggle well playfully rolling his eyes and sitting up.

Jungkook positioned himself on Yoongis lap and nuzzled his face in the crook of Yoongis pale neck.

"Promise?" Jungkook mumbled agenst yoongis neck.

"Of course baby I promise I won't let anything happen to you even if I won't be their." Yoongi said to his baby boy.

It's 2016  (that's when this happened so they are still not as huge as they are now) and Jungkook and Yoongi have been dating for about a year.

It started after they had to act together all the time last year well filming hyyh story lines Yoongi finally grew a pair and confessed to Jungkook who automatically confessed his crush on the older rapper.

Which shocked Yoongi because he thought Jungkook had liked Taehyung because of how they were all over Each other all the damn time and so playful but when he told Jungkook about this The younger simply laughed... And laughed, and laughed to the point where Yoongi was concerned.

Then Jungkook fake threw up everywhere causing the older to ask him self once again why he liked this walking idiot.

The younger explained that Taehyung was his best friend and yeah he hugged him and played with his hair and snuggled with him but that was because he reminds Jungkook of his older brother and also is just like Jungkook. And as Jungkook said "I wouldn't want to date myself!" .

They are best friends and nothing more... Plus a certain mochi had the others heart already.

Of course the other members know and support 100% but told them not to be obvious because the managers probably won't like that and they couldn't let the public know at least not yet.

The age gap was also something that has concerned them because Yoongi always had his eyes on kookie which was wrong because he was just a kid well Yoongi was adult hence why he waited So long well in 2015 jungkook was 19(19 Korean well in amiracn he was 17) So he was an adult and now he's 20 (18 American bc not his bday yet it's june rn in story)

So they kept up with just the occasional hug or cute lil whispers in front of the camera well they let the armys believe yoonmim+vkook where the real ship.

Oh how they were wrong.

But for fan service they always told Yoongi to be soft with jimi n and Jungkook be all over Taehyung because the company knew how much people shiped them. Both Jungkook and Yoongi knew that stuff ment nothing.

Jungkook who usually had his own room now slept with Yoongi in the olders and Jins room or if they thought things would get steamy(which it sometimes did) they would go to Jungkooks room.... And then get scolded by Jin which they would later snicker about how he's a hypocrite because he does that stuff with Namjoon.

They truly had fallen in love and have gotten to know each other better than they knew themselves.

Jungkook knew that Yoongi came off cold and non caring but loved every single member. Yoongi also didnt care to much about hate comments because He belived armys that did care where enough and if his music even effected one person he'd be okay. He also knew Yoongi had his mood swings and could go from happy to quite which he would help Yoongi with. He also knew Yoongi was low key a huge goofball well not like him or tae but he wasn't as closed off and calm as people believe he chases kook a lot and ends up tickle attacking him. One thing Yoongi did hate was makeup 'bleh I'm a manly man I don't need make up to look hot' was what Yoongi said well taking to Jimin about make up. But one thing Jungkook knew for sure was Yoongi would always be there for him.

Yoongi knew just because Jungkook worked out didn't mean he was tough and manly he knew Jungkook unlike Yoongi loved to wear make up, unlike Yoongi he did care about the hate every hate comment hurt him he couldn't stand the thought of messing up or disappointing somebody. That's why Yoongi was always their as a shoulder to lean on. Yoongi knew Jungkook played off his feelings of he was sad he'd laugh it off if he was crying he's wipe his tears and go make somebody else smile even if he couldn't. Yoongi also knew that jungkook was a baby...He would grab a banana milk before a beer which he found adorable. Yoongi knew Jungkook was his baby boy he had to protect throughout the toughs of life.

And that's why no matter how cheesy it sounded they were each others puzzle piece they fit perfectly together.

That night they fell asleep together intertwined on Yoongis bed after Yoongi helped jungkook pack for his week trip and then they shared a loving turned steamy kiss (luckily Jin was in joons room) before they crashed in each others arms.

Okay first chapter woo woo! Hope it was pretty okay sorry it was slow don't worry it will pick up.

BAasicly I'm just gonna say the American aged bc even tho he was 20 in Korea he was only 18 when this incident happen so sorry if that co fused YOU.

ALSO I was not trying to diss vkook or yoonmin I like vkook and I mean if u have read my other ff uk I don't like yoonmin but I DID NOT MEAN TO OFFEND ANY ONE

Love you all!<3

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