°Chapter Five°

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Jungkooks pov

After they started shooting jungkook was surprisingly having a good time.

We talked, laughed and messed around until finally to my  relief we took a break where we would resume filming In 30 minutes but stars like me and Min Suk could go out to lunch for an hour and come back after filming already begun.

"Okay guys free time for thirty minutes! Jungkook and Min Suk an hour !"

I walked over to Min Suk because I was gonna ask him to get lunch with me but his manger cut In front of me and pulled him aside and I couldn't help but over hear.

"Stay here it will be better for your image, okay min suk?" I saw Min suk look disappointed but he nodded his head.

I felt bad so decided to also buy Min Suk lunch! Wait how bout for everyone!!

After about 20 minutes of me just on my phone i decided to have me and my body guard go get food for everyone.

After a little while we arrived to a food court area. I look down at my wallet knowing since I don't get a lot of money because I'm so young so I only brought 100(I'm not doing wons fight me) with me.

"What should I get them?" I ask my body guard.

"I don't know I haven't even talked to them like you have."

I nod my head thinking...

"Hmmm let's just get out of the car and we will see what here!" I say probably to exited.

We step out of the car and are met with at least 20 different food shops some Korean some Japanese some American.

Well I know Min Suk isn't a big fan of Japanese but that's all I really know.

Well kimchi could do but I'm not sure what they like on it.

I continue to look around not knowing what to get, I want to get something plain but good.

"OH! any American food!" I say out loud way to excited .

"Hey Jungkook what about That hamburger shop it's right here and we need to be back in 15 minutes." My body guard suggest.

"Oh yes! That's perfect!" I say clapping my hands like a five year old.

I quickly run over to the empty stand and look at the menu.

Maybe I'll just get plain and stuff on the side... WAIT I should get them drinks as well!

I smile at my own thoughts as I imagine them all being happy with me.

"Hello what can I get for you?" The young guy at the stand ask.

" Umm can I have four plain hamburgers with the sauce and lettuce on the side and four bacon and cheese burgers?... Oh and make that nine not eight. " I say remembering I need food as well.

"Okay sir will that be all?"

" Um,no.. Can I have 10 cokes as well? " I say smiling well grabbing my wallet.

"Okay that will be... 52 dollars and 69 cents." The guy says smiling .


That's half my money... Well I mean it's for a good cause, I'm sure it will be worth it because I'm sure they will all be happy I got them food!

"Um yeah here!" I say trying to mask my nervousness.

Crap that was more than half my money.


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