°Chapter 9°

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Jungkooks pov

I wake up to the feeling of warm breath tickling my neck, I feel a tighting around my small waist and look down to see Yoongi hyungs large veiny hands around my waist. I smile and snuggle into his chest ignoring that I need to get up and get ready.

"Mmmh kookie?'' I hear a deep groggy voice say in my ear.

"Yes hyungie?" I say Turing around so my face is inches apart from from his.

His eyes where barely open and his lips where in a straight line.

"Don't you have to get ready?" He said slightly opening his eyes to be ment with mine.

I smile, "But when I woke up next to you I didn't wanna leave hyung, I missed you." I say digging my head into his broad chest.

(Yes his chest is broad fight me++)

"Ew that's so cheesy, come on get up." Yoongi said pushing me away from him, but I was quick to scuttle back and wrap my arms around him.


"Baby you have to get up I know you don't wanna but it's your last day." Yoongi hyung said giving up and pushing me away and just playing with my hair.

"Get. Up." He said sternly.

"Fine!" I say getting up and mumbling incoherent words and stomping to my dresser.

This Causing a scoff to leave Yoongi hyungs lips from behind me. Which I choose to ignore.

Well I'm digging through my clothes to find what I wanna where I feel arms slip around my waist from behind my back.

"Awe is kookie pouting again?" I hear him say.

I quickly turn around and kiss his lips before running to the bathroom,

By the time we hit the set I saw Yoongi hyung take sight of Jo se ho, and his smile turned into a scowl and I could almost hear him growl.

"Hyung stop staring it's rude." I said tapping his shoulder causing yoongis face to soften as he looked up at his boyfriend.

"I hate him though i wanna kill him, putting his fucking hands on you and calling you names fucking piece of sh-"

"Hyung!" I said cutting him off.

"What hes a douche!" Yoongi fired back well walking me to the breakfast table.


I was about to grab a plate but then I remembered what Jo Se ho hyung had said yesterday.

"What wrong kookie? Why aren't you eating" Yoongi hyung said.

"Um thinking about something, uh hyung do you think I need to lose weight?" I say shyly since I don't like talking about my feelings.

I see yoongi hyungs face drop and he is quick to grab my chin and make me look at him well looking deep into my eyes.

"No no of course not baby why? Why would you think that!" Yoongi hyung asked looking very concerned for some reason.

"I mean like wouldn't you like me better if I was skinnier? I-ill lose weight for you and the army's hyung, maybe I shouldn't eat i-" I said in a low sad voice setting the plate down untill I got got cut off.


I look up looking confused when I see how mad? No worried, Yoongi looks.

And he used my real name.

They never use my real name because I don't like it. (I think jungkook is cuter than my real name!)

"Don't. Ever. Ever! Say something like that, you will never need to lose weight for someone to love you more. What fucking b.s is that , if someone really loves you they don't care how you look." Yoongi hyung said cupping my face.

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