Desert Rose

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It's not often I find myself eager to write about love

Usually I write about darkness consuming a dove

Because I write about what's going on in my heart

And I'm afraid I usually set myself apart

From all the beautiful things in the world: the joy and the tears

I'm disappointed to say I don't fight my fears

But you've made me want to write like never before

So what I will do is use a metaphor

Because what I need to say, I can't say it straight

And I will never be able to ask you on a date

Because as I said before, I can't fight my fears

And this is one that I've had for years

So as my head feels like it's full of crows

I'll picture you as a desert rose

The flower that unexpectedly beats all odds

The flower that seems as if it is God's

Subtle way of saying that beauty defeats all

And no matter the troubles, you should stand tall

And if someone comes to pick you off the plane

The first thing they'll feel is a sharp jolt of pain

And that's how I feel, deep down inside

Every time that I see you, I feel like I've died

Because you're so beautiful, and amazing and true

And there is nothing that I wouldn't do

To win your heart, so it's rightfully mine

And give you my heart, just to see your eyes shine

But if you pick up the rose and take it home

Never again will you see it grow

This beautiful flower you have to leave be

Or it's full beauty no one ever will see

Because you know that if you rest it in your hand

That it will be damaged by the sand

And you hope and hope as much as you can

But the delicate petals eventually turn bland

The pain is real, and powerful, and strong

And you hope, really hope, that you are wrong

That this desert rose will survive in your care

But to take the chance that it won't, you must dare

To face your fears, stand up for your truth

Tell them it will make it through it's youth

It will stand tall on your windowsill

And will remind you of the first time you felt the thrill

Of standing up to your fears, fighting your way through

And being greeted with a beautiful view

But I'm going off track, what I'm trying to say

Is that you occupy my thoughts, every new day

And that I've wanted to tell you, right since the start

That you're so amazing, and you have my heart

And I know there'll be other guys that fight for you too

But I'll take every punch, if it means I get you

And even if I don't, it doesn't matter who you chose

Because you will always be my beautiful desert rose

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