Part 12

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Jake's POV
Tonight is the dinner with Erika's family I'm so excited! I'm little nervous too but I'm trying my best to ignore it. I looked at the clock 7:15. I need to leave at 7:30 because Erika says "it makes a good first impression if I'm a little early but not super early" I didn't understand it but I went along with it. Then I get a call from my favorite person

J: Hey babe
E: hi Jakey
J: you sound really sexy when you call me that 😉
E: SHHHH Jake I'm on speaker phone
J: then you might wanna take it off speaker cuz I have some other things to say😏
E: oh my goodness Jake 🙄
J: haha
E: Have you left yet?
J: just walked out the door
E: okay I'll see you soon
J: Bye

As I got off the phone with Erika I put on my shoes. I looked like this

Since I was already going to be early I stopped by a flower place to buy Erika some roses and I got her mom some violets because all moms love those right? *A/N lol my moms favorite flower are  violets😂* I got to Erika's house around 7:50 I rang ...

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Since I was already going to be early I stopped by a flower place to buy Erika some roses and I got her mom some violets because all moms love those right? *A/N lol my moms favorite flower are violets😂* I got to Erika's house around 7:50 I rang the door bell and five seconds later Erika answered "Hi" she said as she pecked my lips. "Wow you look beautiful" i said in a normal tone but leaned in to her ear to whisper "and super sexy" "your not so bad yourself daddy" she whispered in response. Erika tried grab my hand and then I realized I still had the flowers "I got you these" I said and handed the roses to Erika "aw thanks Jake that's so sweet!" Erika grabbed my now free hand and led me inside.

"Jake this is my mom Angel Sheehan" "Hello mrs.Sheehan I'm Jake and I brought you some Violets" "Oh thank you Jake how sweet of you violets are actually my favorite" Angel said "Jake this is my STEP-Dad dan Dan this is Jake "Pleasure to meet you sir" I said as dan gave me a hard look and a very painful handshake. "I wish I could say the same" dan said and rolled his eyes "DAN! That rude" Erika spat at him "No Erika it's fine" I said quietly "ugh fine but he's only getting away with it this time. Because I WILL NOT let him disrespect my baby" Erika said and leaned in to kiss me.

We suddenly pulled apart when we heard someone talking "Not to ruin your disgustingly cute moment but can one of you love birds help me set the table" Angel laughed "I'll go" I kissed Erika's cheek and went To help her mother. "Dinners ready!" Angel screamed and Erika and Dan came running downstairs. Erika say next to to me and started rubbing my thigh which was driving me crazy. "So jake what do you do for a living" Dan asked "uh I'm a bartender for now. Eventually I want to go to culinary school and become a chef" "Oh Jake you've never told that" Erika looked at me and smiled. "How old are you again?" Dan asked concerned "I'm 24" "Erika is only 21 you know. Angel are you sure this is appropriate?" "Dan you and I are seven years apart so chill with the age questions." Angel said a little frustrated. "Jake what are your goals in life?" Dan asked "I hope to one day marry Erika become a chef at a major restaurant and have more kids" I said  Dan and Angel choked on they're food as soon as I said more like they didn't know about Broune.

"What do you mean by more kids?!" Dan asked angrily "ERIKA ARE YOU PREGNANT" Dan screamed. Erika who had been quiet basically the whole dinner finally spoke up "No Dan I'm not pregnant" Erika said while playing with her food nervously. "I have a two year old daughter" I said happily "Erika why didn't you tell them. I asked "ERIKA ARE YOU KIDDING ME THIS IS WHY YOUR NEVEE HOME BECAUSE YOUR PLAYING HOUSE WITH BOYFRIEND AND MOMMY TO HIS
CHILD?! I EXPECTED MORE FROM YOU AND I EXPECTED YOU HAD BETTER TASTE THAN THIS MAN-SLUT. THE WORST PART IS I WAS ACTUALLY STARTING TO LIKE HIM TOO. BREAK UP WITH HIM NOW" "NO DAD HE'S A GREAT GUY AND AN EVEN BETTER FATHER!" Erika said which made me smile. "ERIKA IF YOU DO NOT BREAK UP WITH HIM RIGHT NOW YOU ARE NO LONGER ALLOWED TO STAY IN MY HOUSE" "I think I should go it was very nice meeting you Angel and Dan." I said and walked to the door hurt that Erika didn't want to tell her parents about my daughter like it was something she was ashamed of.

Erika followed me outside and grabbed my hands "thanks for coming and I'm really sorry for my step-dad he can be a real dick sometimes" she laughed I put my hand on her cheek and started her in the eyes "Erika I learned to except my mistake. Part of dating is excepting it too because she's never going away. You get me you get Broune you get Broune you get me we are a package deal." I leaned in a slowly kissed Erika for ten seconds "Call me later" I said and walked away pretty hurt by Erika's actions.

                              Erika's POV
I walked back inside thinking about what Jake said. Dan was waiting for me at the door. I rolled my eyes and brushed against him on the path to my room. He turned around grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him. "Ow that's child abuse" I said "Erika your 21 your legally an adult" Dan spat at me "your right I am an adult who knows how to make trustworthy decisions" I said "obviously not or you wouldn't be dating that excuse for a man" "Jake is more of a man than you'll ever be Dan. He stepped up he matured he threw half his life away so he could raise that little girl and she means the absolute world to him" I said in an admirable tone "Erika get out of my house" Dan said

A/N: AHHHHH 1,000 worlds longest chapter I've written yet! Hope you guys enjoyed

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