04. The Calm Before the Storm

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May 2nd, 2015
Kinston, North Carolina
11:52 pm

The music boomed from the three story house as teenagers ran in and out, some drunk, some high, and some being a mixture of both. Nobody would have ever guessed it would've been the Kinston High's basketball great Brandon Ingram or his quiet best friend Kai's scene , however the pair would beg a differ seeing as they were just now pulling up outside in Brandon's Cadillac Escalade.

"I don't know about this Brandon." Kai said glancing outside her passenger window as she took in the scene of wild teenagers. "You sure my dad doesn't know where I am?"

Taking the key out of the ignition, B turned to his nervous best friend. "Yes. Britt talked to Daniel earlier. He thinks you guys are at my house having one of your many sleepovers. Now can you stop worrying? It's not like we haven't done this before."

Thinking back to the countless times they both attended the infamous Kinston's parties, Kai starred to relax realizing B was right. Every party ended the same, the pair becoming to drunk or high to drive home causing them to stay the night at whomever who's throwing the party which was usually one of B's homeboys or teammates.

"You ready?" B asked, his hands already on the car's door handle.

Kai took one last look in the mirror, fixing her fro and adjusting her tank top before she nodded to Brandon. "Lets go."

And as they got out of the car to head in the direction of the house, the pair knew just like all the other nights they partied that tonight was going to be one to remember for sure.

                                       *  * *
Kai's P.O.V.
Los Angeles, California

"Okay this is what we not going to do." I yelled as another batch of water had managed to splash on my now soaked sundress.

I looked over at the pool to see B and his friends, Jordan, and Dangelo, and brother Bo continuing to play their aggressive game of pool basketball, completely oblivious  to the fact they were getting water everywhere.

I hurriedly pack up the book I was reading and made my way inside of Brandon's condo before the 4 could catch me again.

Before I could get upstairs to change though, there was a knock at the front door. I opened the door only to see three gorgeous girls in bathing suits. I immediately recognize Dlo's girl out of the three but the other two were a complete mystery to me.

"Hi!" One of the three screamed excitedly. "You must be Kai."

Confused, I nodded in a response. " And you all are ?"

"Well I'm D'Angelo girlfriend's Nicki. We already met but this is Jordan's girl , Chanel and our friend Gia." She said pointing to the girls around her. "We're here to help the boys set up for the party."

At the mention of a party, my eyebrow begin to raise in a questioning glance. Brandon hadn't mentioned anything about a party. If he had, I definitely wouldn't be here.

"Oh hey baby." I felt Brandon's hands find its way to my waist. "I see you met the girls."

I turned around to give him what I considered a death glare. "Yeah they were just telling me about a party I had no idea we were throwing."

Brandon's eyes bulged but went back to normal in attempt to play it cool in front of the trio of girls. "Hey, why don't y'all go out back. That's where the boys are."

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