The Kidnapping

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One month later
Francis's point of view
I woke to James crying, Mary was next to me. I gently lifted my arm off her so she wouldn't wake up. I walked over to James's crib and picked him up. "Hey little guy, no need to cry." I smiled stroking his tiny cheek. He kept crying so I coddled him back and fourth. That made him stop crying, he smiled at me. "Your so precious." I smiled then took him over to our bed, I laid him down in between Mary and I. He rolled over to Mary and nudged his face towards her breast, that woke Mary up immediately. "Well how did you get in here?" She smiled, he started giggling and she picked him up the sat with her legs crossed. "Did he wake you up?" She asked "Yeah, he was crying." I said "Well he is just a little hungry now, isn't he." She smiled at him then pulled her night gown off her shoulder exposing her left breast. He immediately latched on and started drinking. "You looked like you were dead asleep." I said "I was, but when you have a head banging against your breast it kind of wakes you up." She laughed "Well I wouldn't know because last time I checked I don't have any breasts." I laughed "His first word will definitely be mommy." She said "What? Where is that coming from?" I laughed "I don't know, in about 10 or 11 months he should start to be able to say little words like mommy." She smiled "What makes you think his first word won't be daddy?" I smiled "Because his daddy doesn't have to deal with the pain of a little shark bitting on her nipple dozens of times a day." She smiled then got up and laid James back down in his crib, he fell right asleep. "I'm tired." She said laying down. "I'm not tired." I smiled then kissed her. Suddenly my mother came in, she was crying. "Cathrine, what's wrong?" Mary asked "Nothing, I would just like to spend some time with my grandson." She said "You want to take him to your rooms in the middle of the night?" I asked "Of course you can spend sometime with him if you want, he just got feed so he should be good to have some good bonding with him." Mary smiled. "Thank you dear Mary." She smiled then got James from his crib. "I will bring him back to tomorrow morning, okay?" She asked. "Spend as much time with him as you need to." Mary said "Thank you Mary." She smiled then walked out. "What's wrong with her?" I asked "I don't know, I feel awful." She said "Wait." I said "What?" She asked "She had been spending a lot of time with my father lately, maybe they are trying to fix things but he slept with Diane again." I said "That's awful, I'm glad we don't have a marriage like that." She said "Me too." I kissed her forehead. "Where were we before?" She smiled "I think I was just about to do this." I said then bent down and kissed her inner thigh. "Your cheeky." She giggled "I just want you so bad right now." I said "Do you?" She smirked "Yes, we haven't been together like that in a couple weeks." I said "I know, I have missed it too." She said "Well why didn't you tell me? I would have surely done something to fix that." I said "I'm sure you would have." She laughed, I showered her with kisses all over. "God your beautiful." I kissed her, she smiled but it looked kind of weird "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked "I just feel like something bad is going to happen." She said "Nothings going to happen." I said "I feel like something is going to happen with James." She said "Why? He's with my mother and half the kings guard outside her room, he'll be fine." I said "I know, maybe it's just me being a mom. This is the first time he has ever gone anywhere without us." She said "He will be perfectly fine and have fun with his grandmother, now just relax." I said laying her back on the bed. "Okay." She smiled. After we were done like we always did we were laying in each other embrace. "Try to sleep, james isn't going to be back for another two hours." I said "I know, I'm just laying here think about us, our family, our son." She said "We have a beautiful life." I said stroking her cheek. "I know, it's perfect." She said laying her hand on my chest. We both fell asleep. I woke up to screaming. "Francis!Francis! Wake up!" Mary screamed "Mary what's going on?" I asked "Francis he's gone." She cried "Mary who's gone?" I asked "James! Someone broke into your mothers chambers last night and took him and beat your mother." She said "What? But how?" I asked "I don't know Francis! But what I do know is while we were having sex my little boy was taken." She yelled "Mary calm down, calm down. I'm going to find him, okay? No matter what it takes." I said "Francis I don't know what I will do if he dies." She cried "Shh Mary, he won't die. He's going to be, he will be back in your arms and laying in our bed before you know it." I said "Do you promise?" She asked wiping her tears. "Yes I promise my love. I will stop at nothing to get our little boy back." I said, she hugged me and cried into my chest. "I'm going to go talk to my father now, all right?" I said "I'll come with you." She said then we walked to the throne room. "Francis we have found a new lead." He said "So you know where he is?" I asked "Not exactly, we suspect the Bourbons took your son as revenge for you killing Condé." He said "Is he still in France?" Mary asked "Yes, there is no way they could have taken him out was by ship and we already have ships out looking." He said "Francis I want my baby boy back." Mary cried. "I know Mary, we'll get him back." I stroked her hair.

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