Chapter one- woke up cold and lonely

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Hi guys this is my first story ( fanfic) so please excuse my rookie skills in writing and I always put my authors notes/random thoughts in brackets, and _______ means you insert your name in there so on with the story ,okay let's do this! haiii!!!  okay so the characters are

you- note that your a girl in this fanfic and I am very sorry if you are a boy and just to make sure I don't own naruto, wait then since I made you the main character does that mean I own you. hehehe ( my personality just changed from shy and innocent to a creepy stalker) 

Garaa of the sand- the obvious crush you have.

Kankuro- Garaa's big brother who does like to tease you at times.

Temari- the awesome big sister of Garaa who always is there to stop Kankuro from becoming of annoying to wanting to assassinate him

im pretty sure you know all the other characters nothing different but please excuse me if I add in new characters.

okay let's finally get in with the story.


chapter 1

( So the story starts outside the gates of the village hidden in the sand 5:30 am)

while i was sleeping ,i felt something or someone poke me several times. it got really annoying so I finally got up shouting " okay ,okay can you please stop annoying me mum" with my eyes blurry still half asleep. A soft voice giggled " I'm not your mum." I looked up with my eyes wide open fully awake, it was a boy my age( 7 years old) with red hair and light green eyes smiling at me . " huh," I looked up with wide eyes. where am I , more importantly where are my parents? "sorry I woke you up so suddenly but if you stay here you catch a cold ." smiled the boy as I finished scanned my surroundings . I was in front of huge gates ( i don't actually know if the village actually had gates)sitting on the floor in the middle of a desert under a starry sky with the sun just peeking . " where am I, and where are my parents" I said, I could feel some tears drown my eyes then slowly run down my cheek. The boy grabbed my hand and helped me get to my feet, he tried to wipe away my tears but even more gushed out. Then suddenly I felt him hug me in an instant, " its fine, if we visit my dad I'm sure we'll find your parents , please don't cry." I sniffed as I wiped my face in my shirt absorbing all my tears trying to hold in my tears. I gave him a brave face saying okay ,I'm ready, lets go all over my face. ( kinda sounds like Dora " vamanos let's go"!) "by the way my name is Garaa of the desert" Garaa smiled. " I am _______ from the Shinagami clan," I replied.

We kept on walking while talking about the village. Garaa explained to me that I was in the village hidden in the sand. We brainstormed so many ideas of how I ended up at the front gates, Garaa is pretty funny he has a wicked imagination. He suggested I grew wings and sleep flying or that I was riding I shooting star a crash landed. Finally we reached a huge building where we stopped, you could see the sun fully up but it looks a as if it was hiding behind the building. This building looks familiar somehow like I've seen it in a picture. We walk in side and climb up the steps trying to tipi-toeing (sorry i dont know how to spell it).making no sound . we knocked on a huge door at the end of the hallway, " Come in" someone grunted. Garaa pushed the door open to see the Kazekage inside sitting on a chair staring at us. " Wait a minute, you never told me your dad was the Kazekage !" I shouted. The Kazekage glared at Garaa and said in a angry voice" What are you doing here so early in the morning and who is this trespasser ,she could be a spy." Garaa then bows and explains the situation and I see the Kazekage's face look at me with a huge smirk. " I see,your from the shinagami clan. yes I have heard of them before, they live in an under ground village where no one knows but what were you doing on the surface, your not even in your teens." questioned the Kazekage. I stared at the floor and told them my story , "I am the heir to the throne of our clan ,they trained me to the best of their abilities so hopefully one day we can over throw the sound village and make our clan rule the village but one day a man called Orochimaru from the sound village found our clans plan but instead of slaughtering us he spared us if we signed a contract to create harmony between the clan and the sound village, and if needed we shall help them in need. One day Orochimaru was talking to my grandfather about our clans secret weapon (AKA you /me)  getting kidnapped. That night my grandfather died and me and my parents fled our clan without saying a thing. some people from my clan thought we were cowards and were running away from our roles,Then that's when I woke up here. My parents told me that we were going to journey to the village hidden in the sand."

The Kazekage stared at me with disbelief and says " if that is the case then  I shall send out a search party for your parents, you and your parents can live here under the protection of our village but your parents will have to sign a contract stating their services to our village. You know your actually lucky we are friends with the sound village if you ever wish to talk to Orochimaru.  My face lightens up, I turn to Garaa who is smiling back at me . I'll be able to see my parents again, I won't be scared anymore . I nearly thought they left me here alone, phew. " Now since you will be living here why don't you look around" the Kazekage stated ,he even gave me a small soft smile. I thought he'd be annoyed to be honest , I mean we did just came in and literally early in the morning to tell the Kazekage my parents are missing and that we are running away from our own clan. I smiled at him and walked out the door.


sooo that's the end of that chapter . sorry it was a short chapter but i wrote it as i walked to school and sitting in the cola at school while it was raining and i really didn't wanna make my tablet get wet . so was it good or bad please comment any feed back please (sweat drop) . well till next time that's all folks lol!

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