Chapter 5 - camping under the stars

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*ahem ahem* when i first started writing this chapter:

yosh! it is the fourth day of the holidays and i am phsyced on writting new chapters. i shall be writting a new chapter every second day. It is currently 11:21 am and i am determined to write a fresh, delicious chapter.

*cough cough* i started writing the rest now:

i am so sorry everyoooooone, seriouly its been more than a 3 months since i last updated but i didnt know what to write (stupid writers block) like i know what to write i just didnt know how to make this and that happen to this person sooo yeah, wnogh apologising and time to present you guys with the story, hai!


Third Person P.O.V.

Gaara ran after you with an amazing great speed, chasing her into the forest getting deeper and deeper into it. " _______!" Gaara called out as he caught sight of you but you still didnt look back or to stop. you just kept on jumping and hopping through the trees, not to even look back. you didnt slow down nor pick up speed, you were just so determined to get back.  Gaara screamed your name once again this time letting his sand at you. you didnt really worry about it since you knew his weakness when it comes to sand was that his sand lacked in speed but little did you know that Gaara's sand enhances its power when he bursts out with emotion and with that little bittle scream he screamed a bit of emotion leaked resulting to his sand grabbing hold of your leg. the sand swayed back and forth shaking all your kunai out of its pouch, holding you upside down with you keeping an emotionless face.

"_______" Gaara breathed out as he finally caught up to you and his sand. 

" here, let me help you down" he offered, holding his hand out but you slapped his hand away, taking a kunai from his leg-kunai holder and slashing your leg free from the sand landing on the ground perfectly in a proposing position. Gaara took back his sand and gave you a sad look. "why are you acting so cold towards me?" he said looking down at his feet. " you showed your emotions again today, you laughed with Temari when Kankuro got in trouble. You promised me to never show emotion around everyone except each other, especially happy emotions" you say glaring at Gaara in the eye. "sorry" he muttered looking back at the ground. "but we dont need to act emotionless now" Gaara brought up looking happy with his head head banging up. "i sense Temari and Kankuro's chakra signature's nearby, anything can happen Gaara. isnt that right Crow" you say creating chakra strings , tugging on it and bringing kankuro's puppet into the moonlight. Gaara stared at it in disbelief, that his own brother didnt trust him enough that he'd had his own puppet spy on him. you walked up to the puppet and destroyed its chakra core and grabbed onto Kankuro's chakra strings and did the same thing you didn to Crow to him. 

In less than a second Kankuro was sent flying into the scene with Temari chasing along with his body. Kankuro groaned as his face was still dug right into the ground. " _______!" Temari shouted at you but you just turned around placing you hand behind your head which pissed Temari off even more. " why'd you do this to Kankuro" she yelled clearly annoyyed with and irk mark to show her turned your head around with a lollipop in your mouth saying "he was spying on us, AGAIN." with a straight face. Temari looked down at him who seemed drunk giving a weak thumbs up with his face still in the ground saying something muffled up. "Kankuro we have to have a talk as soon as we be back home" Temari said glaring daggers into Kankuro's back "but that doesnt mean you can do something that harsh on kankuro __________. okay, next time dont do that." she finishes off with you giving a little "nn" in response, not really caring or scared of her. 

"ugh, its already dark. we might as well camp here" Temari sighed, looking up at the sky.  "I'll take first watch" you say with Gaara volunteering after you. "then that settles it, me and Kankuro will set up the tents and you guys get the firewood then we'll all take turns going out hunting." Temari says planning out our shifts. "whatever was the only thing that came out of your mouth as you and Gaara left. As per normal  you both werent bothered getting the firewood so you just collected random branches and started hunting.

you looked arouund and thanks to you and Gaara's tracking skills you found a River no problem and you started catching fish as Gaara watched you from a distance. After catching about four small fishes you walked up to Gaara and sat next to him. "finished already" he chuckles. " just trying something out" you smile at him. you were happy because you knew that no one was spying on you, you felt free to do anything with Gaara. you made some chakra strings and started weaving them around your fingers making a net. "here hold this" you say giving him one of the strings and slowly walk backwards and into the water. " a net ~eh, i shouldve seen that coming" he comments giving you a cheesy grin. you return the same cheesy grin. you swam past the current and got to the other side and waited for about five minutes and got several big fishes and another two little small fry and returned to Gaara wet from head to toe.  you were about to shake off all the water like a dog when Gaara shouted  " The sand! the sand!" you just chuckled but did it anyways. Gaara spluttered but laughed too and eyed your net. "soooo, where do you even get these crazy ideas from?" Gaara questioned you with his left eyebrow up. "I like reading aaaand im good at ninjutsu not really taijutsu, sooo yeah" you said jiggling the bag around. "c'mon lets go back" you suggest as Gaara gets up.

You both end up getting back with blank faces, you who tossed the sack of fish and Gaara who tossed the sticks on the ground ended up recieving an irk mark and lecture from Temari about bonding and trust issues and how you both dont listen to plan rules. "goodness you guys, next time i dont know what'll happen next time you guys wont listen to our plans." Temari complained. At that moment you looked Temari in the eye and brushed your jet black hair to the side and took out your earphone saying "sorry what,  were you saying something cause i seriously wasnt listening." which made Temari snap herself to bits. she raged and shouted at you even causing the ground to shake and you to bend at her voice. her voice was as strong as her fan. after her blast of anger she stomped away with an earthquake at every step. by the time she was out of sight you turned around to see Gaara who laughed at the sight of your face. your hair was all messed up and your eyeliner was somehow smudged. you scratched the back of your head with a emotionless face saying  "did i do something wrong?" while pouting which made Gaara laugh even more. by the time you realised that there was something wrong with your appearance you just shrugged it off and combed your hair back and wiped the mucked up eyeliner. afterwards you and Gaara started arranging the sticks properly then when Kankuro finished putting up the tent he walked to the both of you and swung his arms around the both of your shoulders. " heeeey you love birds, what are you guys up to. building your 'Love Nest'?"  the both of you turned your heads around to glare at him, throwing daggers from your eyes. Gaara then looked at you as soon as Kankuro let go and by the time you noticed you gave him a curt nod.

You both knew what eachother were thinking, this is a good time to practice gaara's  sand. before Kankuro could leave fully, Gaara used his sand to grab kankuro by the leg and shake him upside down. "If you ever say anything like that again, I'll kill you" Gaara threatend impressing you leaving Kankuro to nearly wet himself. kankuro was wondering what had gotten into gaara, it was just a small joke and normally Gaara would let it fly, this was the first time Gaara had done something like that. despite all of kankuro's feelings to question him he just gave out a simple okay. As soon as Gaara let go of Kankuro Temaru had returned still a bit angry but more calmer than before. "hi guys im back, so where's the firewood?" she asked trying to keep her cool. " _______ likes the smell of burning... everything." gaara said in your place. Temari was about to pop again but took a deep breath instead and replied " okay, just as long as you keep a fire going kay" then walked away as soon as you both gave a curt nod. you sighed thinking ' this is gonna be one long night.'

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