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Spyder Johnson:

Oh, hi there! You weren't expecting a story were you? Oh...you were? Really? Well let me tell you, I'm no story book reader person. You can talk to my buddy Harris for that one. Me, I'm just gonna give you a recap of what's been going on. See that name up there. That's me. Spyder Johnson. Look up a little more. Title says YO. Why? Because you're used to intro scenes and rushing right into the story. Well, it's not much of a story as it is just me using my voice for a good hour or two.
You remember Mech X4 right? Well funny thing is me and my friends kind of pilot the thing. Yup, kind of a big deal over here. Save lives, kick butt, doing a little dirty work, same old same old. I could go on about...oh...you already knew that part right? Heh, guess I can save the synopsis of that. Yes, I know what synopsis means people. Don't act like I'm stupid. Anyway, we've had a lot of ups and downs and I'm glad that in some way shape or form, we all come back to each other. Little cheesy I get it, but every story or show has to have a little cheese now and then.
Now, remember Tregear? Yeah, guy was a beast. Crazy, insane, creepy... seriously I had nightmares for two weeks straight about him. And that's just for starters. Woo! Anyways, you're probably wondering why I said he was a beast. This is the part where I tell you that he's gone. Fini. Destroyed. Dead. Dished him to the gutter. Shoved him down the toilet so hard that he's tasting what I lashed out from dinner two nights ago. Bon appetit ya freak!
Ok ok, I'm exaggerating a little bit. We're not sure if he's dead. He's part ooze yeah, but Tregear is human. I think he is. That part is debatable. So turns out we found a facility where he held someone captive. We busted the guy out and escaped Tregear. The way it happened was so cool! Some of the others might disagree, but I thought it was cool.
It has to do with Mackenzie. You know who she is right? Welp, the person trapped in that facility was her father and we had to save him. We came as back up. She's a friend of mine, but a cousin to one of my best friends. I'll talk about him and the others later. So getting back to this whole thing, Kenzie went all Wonder Woman on the dude and shot him in the torso. Ouch! Cringed at that part so hard. It worked though and we saw Tregear on the floor in pain while he bled. I don't know if it was actual blood or ooze. Hmm, I'll have to see about that later.
Mackenzie kind of came out of nowhere. I don't like to mention it because I know she had to come and she's not a bad person. She's funny, caring, brave, selfless, and awesome! I really like her. Harris does too...a lot...if you catch my drift. Ryan warmed up to her very fast and they're like best friends now. Same with V. And it's kind of shocking how those two got along so quickly. They're like an ultimate duo. I ship them, but Mack and Harris are still on my list.
Mark took some time before liking her. It seems like every time someone new came into the group, he was automatically there to make sure to strip them. Not in that way! Don't get any ideas. I mean like keep an eye on them. I don't say anything about it since I can't blame him. None of us really can. We've had traitors. Seth, Grey, Harris, and Ryley. She's a story for another time. Like I told you, I don't tell stories.
But yeah, he likes her way more now. He treats Kenzie like a little sister. And since she's been here, life only got more interesting. With powers, a robot, bad guys, constant secrets, this adds more. In a good way. Her dad is pretty cool too. I asked if he would recommend me for a doctor student visit thing like the time me, V, and Ryan snuck in a hospital to steal an antidote for Harris. Liam wanted to know if I'd be ok with going to med school for four years and show him my work. Yeah...I knew then and there that was a deal breaker.
So, after all that was over, we all got to know Mackenzie better. And the more we learned, the more great she was. Seems like a too good to be true situation huh? Well then be that way. Not everyone is a serial killer you know. Besides, we're all not dumb enough to fall for it again...even though we did like four times...except for V. Yep, enough said on that one. We all agreed that Kenzie could be co-pilot. It was cool that we have a back up pilot in case Ryan gets hurt. Talk about a win win.
Alright alright, enough with the boring stuff. You came for something exciting right? Well I should warn you that this is not run by the Big Mouse in the Clubhouse. Sure we're owned by them, but the author (SaylorS0: Heyo!) is not. I'm not saying we're suddenly becoming vigilantes and roaming the streets at night to cut people up or hearing up for some big battle to end all battles. That's what Marvel and the CW are for.
I'm just giving you a heads up that what your about to hear and or read is not something that you should try in the real world....because you'll be in serious trouble. I'm surprised that we haven't gotten in that kind of situation yet. Yeah we save people and stuff, but we do other things to do exactly that. I'm telling you, our lives are super crazy.
I'm no sure I should even tell you about this. I mean, how old are you guys? 11? 14? 5? I don't know half of you. Or any of you for that matter. Well if your 13, congratulations! Most people would say your entering the big house. Getting to see things your little brother or sister can't see unless it's rated G. What I'm going to say to you is what happens when you kidnap kids for an experiment that fixes your problem, but kills the lab rats in the process. Sounds horrible right?
I'll let you know the about the fighting, new bad girl...yes...not a guy, new faces, and super cool new allies. Huh, I guess that sounds like a story. Eww. How about we call it a news report? Oh geez, that sound even worse. Let's see...ah! Me just telling you what happened? Yeah that sounds a lot better. Long title, but whatever. Well? Are you just going to wait for a bird to crash through your window and used your head as a nest or something? People flip up, this is juicy.

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