Run away~1

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"NO STOP PLEASE!" The ear piercing sobs could be heard through the hall way of the empty hospital as four men surrounded Hyukjae who was tied down on a hospital bed.
"This will be fast Hyukjae just stay still!" One of them yelled out of frustration.
"AAAAAH STOOOOOP!" He screamed louder than ever when he felt a sharp object slide slowly through his cheek. "It'll soon be over, soon you won't feel a thing."
Hyukjae's vision was blurry, but he put effort in keeping his eyes open...afraid of what might happen if he shut them. "A few more tests and we can complete our experiment,"
He heard one of them whisper while scraping the blood-covered knife on a glass container. "The more you struggle the more painful it's going to be," they whispered before leaving him alone.

He had been stuck in this hospital for about three weeks now and he had gotten extremely weak very quick. All he remembers is being called down by his father while he was laying on his room; next thing he knows he is in an ambulance tied to a bed with lights over his eyes with his father looking at him from outside the ambulance."I'm sorry son. You know I love you," was all he heard before he was put to sleep.

Right now he was struggling to unchain himself from the tight ropes. He sobbed in frustration and pain as he felt his cheek burning and blood dripping from it.
He felt his hand getting sweaty and he took this opportunity to try and slip it out. It was a tough chance, but to his surprise it worked. He looked at his wrist in disbelief before snapping out of it and untying his other hand and feet. He stood in the middle of the room looking around for napkins to stop his bleeding. He opened a box from under the bed and found a piece of gauze and a black mask which he took to put pressure on the cut and cover it temporarily. He opened the door and peeked outside into the dark hall. He didn't know what floor he was on, but he was sure he wasn't on the same hall as regular patients. He walked carefully out of the room and tried to find an exit.
"Ok lock up after you're done and meet me on top afterwards. He can't get away."
Hyukjae's heart started beating faster at the voices nearing him. He opened the first room he saw and prayed not to be found. He saw the shadows passing by and he decided to wait before going out again. In the meantime he looked around the room. He traced his fingers over the large desk before deciding to open up the drawer. "What?" He was taken back as he saw a document with a picture of him. He opened the document up and started reading,

Lee Hyukjae, 17 years old, 176cm,58kg
-Experiment #1287
Urine Test✔️
Durability Test✔️
Blood Test✔️
Injecting of Megadorphia
Lethal Injection

He gasped and dropped the files. No, I can't die. I can't! He stumbled for a while before regaining his balance and exiting the room. He ran around blindly before coming across stairs leading up. He hesitated before walking up the stairs. It was dark, the only light coming from a lamp in the corner of the hall. Once on the other floor, he tried reading the signs though it was hard when his vision was blurry. He started feeling weak and felt as if he would collapse at any moment. He breathed heavily, it's no use, he thought as his steps slowed down. He looked to his right unconsciously and felt his heart beat fast as he saw the word EXIT on top of a big door. He ran as fast as he could, suddenly feeling a boost of energy.
He ran non stop. He didn't know where he was going he just knew he needed to get away from the hospital as soon as possible. His feet bare and bloody from running over rough rocks and his body covered in nothing, but the hospital robe. It was dark outside and he didn't know what day or time it was. It had been so long since he had gone outside. He felt soft dripping of water as a sign of rain. He slowed his run when he realized he was going to die either way out of starvation as he had nowhere to go. I'm free. Now what.
His breathing became uneven. He almost ran to the nearest gas station or restaurant, but he stopped himself as he realized how people would think he was crazy and had escaped from a mental asylum due to the way he was dressed. He saw three men exiting a restaurant, laughing together, unbothered by the rain. He backed away into the dark when he saw them walking his direction. "Yeah I'll see you tomorrow , goodnight!" He heard a voice cheerfully say. He paid no attention and instead walked to an alleyway and slid down to the floor. He closed his eyes and sighed in relief as he felt a bit relaxed even though he knew they must've be looking for him by now. He was too distracted to pay attention to the man who had stopped in his tracks when he saw the suspicious kid alone. "What are you doing here kid?" Hyukjae jumped at the sudden voice and backed away at the sight of the man. The ,obviously older, man wore a grey suit as if he worked for an important company. His dark hair styled to the side slightly.
"Hello? Are you deaf?" Hyukjae shook his head and backed away some more when the man kneeled in front of him. "Why are you dressed like that? What's up with the mask and what happened to your feet?!" The man grabbed Hyukjae's bloody feet and took a close look. "You need help kid, come here."
"No! No please don't take me back please! Not the hospital I beg you!" Hyukjae yelled with teary eyes. The older man looked shocked. "Well you can't stay here in these conditions."
Hyukjae bit his lip and whimpered when he felt arms around him. "I-I think I can help with your feet," the man said as he carried Hyukjae bridal style to his car. "No sir, thank you really,b-but I'll be ok."
"You obviously aren't okay you need help and you don't want to go to the hospital."
"I don't want to be a burden, please sir I ca-"
"Stop calling me sir, my names Lee Donghae kid." Hyukjae kept quiet,am I suppose to tell him my name?
"What's your name?" He heard the other ask. "I-I'm....Eunhyuk," he lied and looked away to avoid eye contact. "Weird name. How old are you?"
"Why are you asking me so many questions?"
"Well I have to atleast know something about you if I'm taking you to my home. Either that or I'm taking you to the hospital," Hyukjae looked at him in fear,"No! Don't please! I-I'm 17 si-I mean Donghae."

Donghae whistled,"Wow I'm getting old," he chuckled, earning a confused look from the younger one. Knowing what he must've been thinking, he answered beforehand,"I'm 36."
"Y-You don't look your age," Hyukjae whispered. The man was fit and his skin looked smooth as a baby's bottom. It was a shocker to hear his age.
"Thanks, I get that a lot."

It was silent once again.
"What's up with the mask?" Hyukjae gulped, not knowing how to answer.
"Uh, I-I fell and cut open my cheek."
"Is that why you were in the hospital?" Hyukjae remained quiet.
"I'm guessing you were scared of needles and ran away?" The older man chuckled, however, Hyukjae closed his eyes to keep the tears from falling.

He felt the car stop and he opened his eyes. "We're here."
Hyukjae opened the car door and was about to step out when he was immediately stopped,"No are you crazy? Your feet are bleeding you can't walk," the man scolded before carrying the smaller guy once again. Hyukjae felt his cheeks warm up in embarrassment. He looked around the house. It was simple, yet so elegant.
"Wait here I'll bring my first aid kit." He waited for the man quietly in the comfortable couch. A sigh left his mouth as he leaned back and got comfortable.
He let his mind travel back to the hospital. Megadorphia? What's that? He asked himself. His thought were interrupted by the sound of a box crashing with the floor,"Ok let me see. Oh this is bad, how are you not screaming in pain?" Hyukjae simply shrugged. Donghae poured some alcohol into a pad to disinfect before tapping Hyukjae's feet earning a yelp in pain. "It hurts," Hyukjae hissed and bit his lip to prevent noises from coming out. "I know, but if I don't do this it'll get infected."

A few minutes had passed and Hyukjae had gotten used to the stinging feel from the alcohol."There all done. Now let me see that cheek." Donghae reached to remove the mask, but Hyukjae bolted away and shook his head. "I need to see it Eunhyuk it needs to be treated." He reached once again for the mask and pulled it off, revealing a long, slightly thin cut across the younger one's cheek. "Oh my god! You must've fallen pretty bad." Hyukjae looked down in embarrassment, if only you knew.
"Let's see," Donghae muttered and got close to Hyukjae to take a better look.
Hyukjae blushed slightly at how close their faces were. He took in the man's features. Thin lips, gorgeous eyes, smooth skin. He was indeed handsome, no one could deny that. He flinched at the contact with the cold, acidic liquid. "It'll help,trust me," Donghae whispered. Can I really? Hyukjae thought.

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