Run away~2

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"You can sleep on my room, I'll sleep in the guest room."
"No, don't bother really I can sleep wherev-"
"No arguing! Come, let's get you ready for bed." Hyukjae was once again carried. His feet where bandaged to stop the blood and his cheek was back under the mask. "Ok there's the TV and I have some pajamas here, feel free to chose whichever. Goodnight,"Donghae smiled before leaving. Hyukjae looked at the pajamas and changed into one of them and laid back, moaning in comfort. He was free. He was free and he couldn't believe it. For how long? He didn't know, but he chose to avoid that question.

"Lee Hyukjae, a young man of only 17 years of age, has escaped the public hospital on the main road. He is in critical conditions and needs to be back in the hospital immediately. If you see him, please report it to the following number,"
Hyukjae sat up and looked at the screen in fear when he saw his picture pop up on the television. He turned it off and hugged his knees while crying softly.
Why did they choose me? He remembered his dad's words before he was taken away. Did he give me to them? He was sobbing by now. Just the thought of being dead gave him chills. What was Megadorphia anyway?
His mind went wild and soon he decided it was better to rest and soon fell asleep.


"Eunhyuk? Are you awake?" He heard someone call. He opened his eyes and saw Donghae kneeling next to the bed."Good morning.I made breakfast, do you want?"
Hyukjae sat up and rubbed his eyes to remove the sleepiness from them. "Where's the restroom?" He asked quietly.
"Here I'll take you."
"No it's okay. My feet don't hurt as much anymore, I'll go on my own."
Donghae hesitated before backing up,"Ok, it's down the hall to the right. If you need help call me, I'll be waiting for you at the table."
Eunhyuk nodded and waited for the man to leave before standing up.
He hissed at the slight pain, but eventually made it to his destination. He found a spare toothbrush and brushed his teeth and face before heading down. "Here," Donghae walked over to him and wrapped an arm around the smaller's waist to help him walk.
"Don't you have to work?" Hyukjae asked, taking a sip of the orange juice. He hadn't eaten a proper meal since he had arrived at the hospital so even though his body rejected the food in front of him he tried eating it or else he would become anorexic.
"Yes, but I was thinking of taking the day off. You look quite worn out I can't leave you alone." Hyukjae blushed and continued eating slowly.

"Where do you work?" Donghae looked at the younger man,"I work on an office, I do research. You probably won't know what I'm talking about."
Hyukjae debated whether he should ask or not, but curiosity was getting the best of him. "What's Megadorphia?" The older man looked at the younger one who had his eyes on the plate in front of him. "Why do you ask?"
"I heard it on the news yesterday. I just want to know," Hyukjae lied hoping to get an answer. "Uh Megadorphia is a type of...drug I guess you can say. It's too dangerous for anyone to use. No one really knows what it does to you since nobody has ever had the guts to try it out. They've tried it on animals and they end up being frozen in a way. No one's sure if it works the same on people though. Many say the skin would turn purple and blue from the lost of oxygen then the person would start trembling. There is a cure, but there hasn't been cases involving the drug so it's not confirmed that it works. I don't know too much about it, but I remember reading about it somewhere."
Hyukjae felt his chest tighten. Where they using him as an experiment? Did his dad really give him out to be experimented on?
"Are you okay? Eunhyuk?"
"Y-yeah I'm fine. Totally fine," he wondered ,giving a small smile.
"Why don't you want to go back to the hospital?" Donghae asked suddenly.
"No reason," Eunhyuk lied. "What about your parents? They must be worried."
"N-No. My parents passed away...I don't have any relatives." He lied once again.Who could blame him though. He didn't know who to trust.
"Then you lived on your own? How did you end up in the hospital?"
Hyukjae didn't answer. An uncomfortable silence was rising between them.
"You need professional help Eunhyuk, it'd be best if I to-"
"No! Stop, please don't take me back!" Hyukjae stood up panicked. He hissed at the pain and sat back down quickly. "Why not what's wrong?!"
Donghae looked at Hyukjae who was looking back at him with teary eyes.
"Please promise me you won't take me back." His voice cracked making the older man's chest tighten. He stood up and walked over the the crying boy and hugged him tight. "Please promise me," Hyukjae repeated against Donghae's chest.
"I promise," he whispered. What's really going on with you kid?  The man thought as he hid his face on the other's hair.


"Can you switch the channel please?" Hyukjae spoke when he saw the news were coming up and he was afraid his case would come up. "Sure, what do you want to watch?"
"Anything's fine, just switch it." Donghae obeyed and ended up putting the Avengers movie. He felt Hyukjae get closer to him and he couldn't help the tingling feeling he got when Hyukjae hugged his arm and leaned his head on his shoulder. He's underage Donghae, this is wrong, he thought and shook away the feelings he had. Meanwhile, Hyukjae's mind was somewhere else. He couldn't stop thinking of what would've happened if he wouldn't have been able to escape. Would he still be alive? Did he even want to live anymore? His felt like his heart broke into a million pieces whenever he thought of his dad giving him away. He tried making excuses, but as much as he tried to deny it, he knew his own father had betrayed him.


Two weeks later*

Two weeks had passed and Hyukjae's feet had healed. His cheek was healed as well, but was left scarred. He had gone out with Donghae a few times, but he couldn't help but feel nervous and scared at the thought of someone reporting him to the hospital. Whenever he wasn't thinking about that he was thinking of the feelings he had developed for the older man. They had gotten unbelievably close these past two weeks
and he soon decided to admit that he liked the man more than he should. He liked him a lot. Maybe it was the way the other cared for him and how his voice was so sweet. He didn't know, but he had fallen for the older man.
Meanwhile, Donghae kept denying his feelings for the younger boy. He felt protective
over him and his heart beat fast every time they touched, but he knew it was wrong. He knew it was so wrong which is why he tried to keep a distance between them.

Now he was laying in the guest room while Hyukjae laid in his.
"Donghae?" He looked towards the door to find Hyukjae standing there quietly. "What's wrong?"
"Can I sleep here tonight? I can't fall asleep."
Donghae gulped, but nodded.
Hyukjae laid down on his side facing Donghae and looking at him with doll-like eyes that anyone would fall for. Donghae's breath skipped as he was taken back by Hyukjae's beautiful eyes. He hated to admit it, but he was falling for the younger boy.

Hyukjae moved closer to Donghae and closed his eyes. He liked being close to Donghae. He loved it.

Donghae hesitated, but felt himself pulling Hyukjae even closer. Their foreheads were now touching and both their hearts kept beating fast at how close they were.
They looked at each other for a few seconds.
He didn't know what he was doing, but Donghae kept leaning closer and closer.
He ghosted his thin lips over the boy's plump ones before fully connecting them.
Hyukjae's heart felt as if it would rip out if his chest. Donghae's lips felt so good on his.
They started moving their lips slowly in sync and soon the kiss started getting faster. Donghae licked Hyukjae's lips and snuck his tongue into the boy's mouth earning a gasp. Hyukjae let his hand travel to Donghae's neck, pulling him closer.
They had been waiting for this moment without knowing it and now that it happened they couldn't get enough of it. Donghae bit Hyukjae's bottom lip causing the other to moan softly. What are you doing Donghae, he's half your age.
Donghae pulled back and closed his eyes."I shouldn't have done that."
Hyukjae's chest tightened,"What do you mean?"
"You're underage this is wrong. I can't. That was a mistake. Stay here, I'll go to the other room."
"Don't leave," Hyukjae pleaded looking at him with innocent eyes that made Donghae want to crawl back in bed and cuddle him all night. "Sorry. Goodnight."

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