Chapter 12

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Future Mrs. Green

Dr. Green

Monday: Present time

Sean Green walked towards the large french doors of the Sorenson's mansion. Fixing the collar of his polo and readjusting his white coat. Owen told him not to bother wearing it but Sean wanted to make a nice impression on the girl his best friend liked. He hoped he would get to see her, maybe get in a good word for Owen, get that ball rolling. Besides, without the coat, they wouldn't believe he was a doctor.

He cleared his throat and tried to concentrate on his task, he would worry about Owen's love life later. Sean mentally went over the plan as he made his way up the steps.

Meet John, do some mild snooping around, and get close to the family by convincing them that he is qualified to care for Mrs. Sorenson. It was just their luck when they found out she was sick and in need of a new doctor, it made infiltrating a lot easier. Although, maybe not so fortunate for the wife.

Sean put on a professional smile and was about to lift his hand to ring the doorbell but stopped when the door slowly opened. Revealing what was the cutest human being he had ever seen. She stopped abruptly with a faltering smile. Sean figured she was on her way out and wasn't expecting him to be there. His smile widened, more genuine.

"Hi, is John Sorenson home?" how he wished those hadn't been his first words to her.

She fluttered those pretty lashes as she blinked. Her bright green eyes nearly sparkled with timid curiosity as she looked at him. "Um," a blush coated her cheeks and she turned her head to look into the house like she was unsure about answering him.

Sean swallowed as soon as her eyes weren't on him, willing his heart to stop racing. He didn't want to say the wrong thing to her.

A scrawny young man, about his age, with glasses and a butler uniform, appeared beside the girl. He shared a look with the girl but she had her eyes back on Sean, her eyes slid over his coat and to the medical bag he was holding. Sean kept a tight grip on the handle to contain the nervousness that washed over him.

The boy studied him behind the cracked glasses, a small frown on his lips but he quickly hid it. "Good afternoon, you must be Dr. Green." He spoke almost robotically, Sean questioned if it was out of fear or if this was his personality. "Mr. Sorenson should be out in a moment. Please, come in," he pushed the door wider to invite him in.

"Thank you," Sean responded with a smile as he stepped in.

The girl moved to the side for Sean to enter and his heart picked up speed. How was he supposed to talk to her? He mentally shook his head as he walked past her and allowed his eyes to take in John Sorenson's home.

The house was big and overly extravagant. With spotless pearly white floors, a grand staircase that led to two separate hallways beyond what he could see. To the right was a foyer that seemed to open up to a dining room, on the opposite side was a set of swinging doors and around the staircase on the right, Sean could spot a set of french doors with frosted glass. Beside the doors was a small sitting area.

He was about to turn around and ask the adorable girl for her name but the french doors opened and a tall lean man took long strides toward them.

"You're the doctor?" he asked, his tone slightly slurred as though he was sleep-deprived. He blinked at Sean with uncertainty but not caring enough to question him further. "John Sorenson."

Sean took his hand stiffly, this man didn't look nearly as dangerous as the files suggested. "Dr. Green. I'm here to see Mrs. Sorenson."

John nodded and paused looking behind Sean. "Sang?" Sean jolted towards the girl, his mouth falling open.

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