[ 1 ] Hell If I Know

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© 2018 Shay Spencer. All rights reserved.

Something More

[ Chapter 1 ] Hell If I Know

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At one time, I had thought my mother was the most overbearing presence in my life. My best friend was now tied for that position.

"Scarlett," Wren huffed in annoyance as she tossed her hairbrush onto the bed beside me. "Are you even listening to me?"

"I am," I reassured.

Knowing Wren, and knowing that I clearly I hadn't been listening, there was only one way this could end.

"What did I just say?" She sighed, popping her eyebrows up in question. Her hands were even pointedly resting on her hips.

I took a deep breath, smiling back up at her. "You were talking about the wedding."

"Cheap shot," Wren's eyes narrowed back at me with her signature playful smile. "Let's go for the bonus points since you're so smart; what about the wedding was I trying to talk about?"

I knew then that I was caught red handed.

"Ha!" Wren cheered. "I knew you weren't listening!"

I merely rolled my eyes, turning to lay on my stomach as I continued folding her never ending wardrobe. The boxes were only multiplying as we continued to pack. Every so often one of us would fail to keep our concentration, and though I had opted for playing with the shoe laces on a particular pair of boots, Wren never seemed to quit playing with the utterly gigantic ring on her finger.

Jay had gone all out when buying that ring. It wasn't particularly original per say, but it was extravagant to say the least.

"Where is this new place again?" I ventured, cocking my own eyebrow up at Wren's ever so confused face. The young couple had moved all across the country over the last five years, and though three of those apartments had been here in Massachusetts, Jay now wanted a home for he and his fiancé.

"Hell if I know," she mumbled. "Jay picked it out again. He just keeps going on and on about the football team of a family he's dying to have."

I bit my lip to keep from laughing at the image; Wren surrounded by ten little Jay's, all adorned in Massachusetts colors. Though Jay wasn't wrong in hoping his ultimate child-dream-team would become a reality. It seemed when it came to the Pennington bloodline, boys would have boys. Just looking at Elias and his two sons was enough for me to know that whatever bun was cooking in Wren's oven, had a few less X chromosomes than need be.

That, and Wren was the only girl in a family of nine children. She was more than capable of living up to Jay's expectations.

"So it's somewhere off the radar?" I said, frowning as I examined yet another off shoulder top that was quite literally impossible to fold. Wren's style had shifted from far too short crop tops and booty-shorts, to the football wife of everyone's dreams. Though this new closet she had was hell and a half to pack.

Wren refused to answer, instead she turned her attention to the phone that began vibrating on the end of the bed. Quickly, she tossed my phone onto my back, making it next to impossible to grab.

"Hi mom," I greeted.

"Scarlett," the woman mused happily. "Elias and I just touched down at the airport. We should be in town around 9 to meet you all for dinner."

Wren gave me a questioning look as she took a seat next to me on her satin purple bedspread.

"They'll be here at 9." I whispered, holding the palm of my hand over the speaker.

"Jay won't be out till 10 or 11. They're gearing up-"

I cut her off with a nod. I'd heard enough about the play-offs from Jay himself over the last month. New England was a shoe-in for the Super Bowl this year, having only lost to one team. With the game coming up in less than 48 hours, I didn't blame him for practicing late.

"Jay won't be out till later, but we can always bring something home for him," I relayed. "Where did you guys want to meet?"

There was a pause on the other side as my mother passed the phone to her husband. "That one restaurant Jay can't quit going on about. I can't quite remember the name." Elias said.

For a lawyer, he was horrible with names.

"We know the place," I nodded towards the door. "We'll see you in a bit."

"Do drive Wren there, Scarlett! We don't want her straining herself with the baby on the way."

I couldn't stop my eyes from rolling to the back of my head.

"Will do, mom."

Wren chuckled to herself, the girl turning on her heel to find a proper dress for dinner. Elias could never be seen at a run of the mill restaurant, so it didn't come as much of a surprise that we would all be dining at on finest French cuisine in all of Massachusetts.

"Did you remember to call Hayden?" Wren called from inside her walk in closet. The mere mention of his name sent my heart into my stomach.

Shaking my head at myself, I answered, "not yet."

Wren leaned around the corner of the closet, giving me another glare as she pointed to her phone. "Then text him. He has no clue Jay and I got engaged last weekend."

"And that's my fault?" I taunted, not making a move. I wasn't about to end a nearly one-month-long silent treatment over an engagement that wasn't even my own. Wren and Jay were practically made for one another, it wouldn't come as much of a surprise to Hayden that the two had finally decided to tie the knot.

Besides, they were planning to marry in Paris. Hayden was there half the time on business as it was. It wouldn't be any trouble for him to round up a suit and throw together a bachelor party on a moments notice.

"Fine," Wren gave in once more. She turned the corner, slipping back into her all-too-high heels; though instead of the high school gym shirt and ragged shorts she was adorned in a form fitting black wrap dress that stopped mid thigh. Her recently cut brown and red locks were brushed over her shoulder, cutting off just below her jawline.

She still looked flawless, even if she was five months pregnant.

"Do you need to borrow something?" She tossed a glance my way just as a notification lit up my previously locked phone. I proceeded to ignore her as my eyes scanned over the simple text message. Though this wasn't from just anyone.

I'll be in town for the playoff game. Let me know when you've got a chance to meet. I've boxed up the rest of your things.


I could feel the weight pressed on my chest before locking my phone once more.

"Scarlett?" Wren asked again.

I glanced up, noting the dress she had picked up on her last trip to New York. I nodded numbly, slowly making my way over to put it on.

"Good choice," Wren teased over her shoulder. I began slipping on the dress just as I caught the slight sound of keys jingling. "I'm driving, by the way."

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