[ 3 ] You Looked Cold

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© 2018 Shay Spencer. All rights reserved.

Something More

[ Chapter 3 ] You Looked Cold

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I had come to terms with Wren's tight fitting clothing long ago. It was only when I was forced to wear it that it bothered me.

"You look lovely, sweetheart!" My mother cooed as she bounced up from her seat. Her blonde hair was curled to perfection and her own white dress for her perfectly.

It seemed as though my mother and Wren had similar taste when it came to tonight's apparel. I was adorned in a pair of sleek tan pumps and a color contrasting turquoise dress that hung on every inch of my skin. The neckline dropped far lower than I would have liked, and the slit up the left side left me feeling exposed, but it seemed to alight itself well on me despite the differences between my body and Wren's gorgeous curves.

My mother on the other hand was flaunting a swoop neck white dress that stopped just below her knees. Her heels were what made the outfit, seeing as the metallic silver stood out to anyone, including myself.

"How was the flight?" I offered as I gave both her and Elias a quick hug.

Elias laughed into my shoulder before pulling away with a quick shudder. "Oddly cold for this time of year."

"Did they have those little peanut packets?" Wren shamelessly smiled as Elias turned his attention to his jacket that had been hanging over his chair. Without question, he picked a few from his jacket pocket. Her entire face lit up at the sight. "Thank you!"

Only Wren would eat private plane peanuts in the middle of a five star restaurant.

"We ordered a white and red wine to celebrate," my mother started up once again. "Though keeping in mind your current state, Wren, you'll be receiving the most highly acclaimed bottle of sparkling cider our restaurant has to offer."

Wren mindlessly nodded as she snacked away on the peanuts, not bothering to look up the mention of her name.

"Have you spoken with Jake?" My mother inquired, taking a sip of her water there after.

The question left me feeling queazy at best. "He'll be in town for the game on Monday. We thought we'd talk then."

Her lips fell into a straight line in her displeasure at my answer. I hadn't heard the end of it since breaking things off with the firefighter two months ago.

"I still don't understand why-"

"And you don't have to," I cut her off. "He was moving, and I didn't want to get engaged."

"You're nearly twenty-seven, Scarlett. You can't just let a good guy like Jake go." She reasoned with me. "He worshiped the ground you walked on. At your age, it was hard for me to even get a guy like that to look my way."

I shrugged, deciding not to wind her up any further. She wouldn't understand why things hadn't worked out, even if she knew why our relationship had shattered beyond belief.

Though knowing my mother, I had a feeling she knew what had gone wrong. It wasn't to hard to figure out given the timeline.

"Have you picked a dress yet, Wren?" Elias stepped in, thankfully ending the small silence that had loomed over us.

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