[ 4 ] Not Your Style, Blaine?

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© 2018 Shay Spencer. All rights reserved.

Something More

[ Chapter 4 ] Not Your Style, Blaine?

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Never in my right mind would I have agreed to a ride home with my mother, Elias, and Hayden. But it seemed tonight was the beginning of a new era, as I was now sitting beside Hayden in the back of Elias' new ride.

"But you enjoy it, don't you?" Elias pried further into Hayden's latest escapade to the city of love. His hands gripped the wheel a bit tighter than normal until my mother reached over and placed a hand on his knee reassuringly.

Asking about Hayden's latest adventure seemed to be a no brainier when finding a topic for conversation. It wasn't like the rest of the family had much to boast about since our last meeting at Christmas. Elias himself seemed a bit shy about the case he had quickly acquired over the last month, when compared to the traveling Hayden was doing now.

"Paris itself was incredible," Hayden agreed. Though his tone led me to believe he was less than excited about his job at the moment.

We had vaguely caught wind that the youngest Pennington would be working Fashion Week this year, and the work up to the event he would be working side by side with Paris Vogue. It had come as a surprise, to say the least, but Hayden knew what he was doing. He always had when it came to photography.

"I was able to see your spread in Vogue this last month," my mother smiled into the rearview mirror. "They had your name in bold and everything. And you took some gorgeous shots while in Dubai, Hayden."

He offered up a half smile in return, not adding anything further to the conversation. Needless to say, I was starting to think he had more reason than just Jay's wedding to leave Paris on such short notice.

"This first building?" Elias tossed me a quick glance my way as he turned down my street.

"The second one," I corrected without missing a beat. After moving to Massachusetts two years ago, I had the route home memorized to put it mildly. It seemed this particular street had been dedicated to housing the whole of the city. Even Wren and Jay had occupied an apartment across the street when they first moved here a year prior to me.

Elias shook his head at himself, adding a quiet chuckle before he shut off the GPS on the fancy car. Over the last few years I had gotten to know the man driving us home. He never had taken to new age technology. The only thing he seemed to really understand was the newest iPhone that came to his front door step every year to the day.

A complex man indeed.

"Are you sure you don't want us to get you a room, Hayden? It wouldn't be much trouble." His father asked as he turned to look between Hayden and myself. Finding out that he knew what had happened between us five years ago had come as a shock, but seeing now as he was allowing his son to stay the night at my apartment came off as far more surprising.

Hayden shrugged, leaning forward to pay his father on the shoulder, "as long as Scarlett's cool with me staying."

Three pairs of eyes turned to look at me within than moment, and it seemed no one had a preference. The decision was quite literally up to me and me alone.

"It's fine with me," I smiled gently. "Wren gave me that pull-out bed that didn't match the curtains last year. There should be more than enough room for the two of us before we head over to Paris."

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