Caught Red Handed

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This chapter is a request from likeicare333.

Merlin walked out of her lab, a red book in her hands. She went down downstairs and was met with a drunk Ban rummaging through the shelf of alcohol bottles. "Ban. Have you seen Escanor anywhere?" He turned to her and said, "Huh? Escanor? Haven't seen him since he went out earlier. Said something about you. Didn't hear what it was, though." On his face laid a stupid smile as he gulped down another bottle. Merlin didn't want to deal with a drunken Ban, so she quickly went outside to search for Escanor.

She roamed the empty streets of Camelot before spotting him from behind. She was about to walk up to him and greet him when she saw another woman with him. Her first instinct was to walk up and drag him away, but instead, she hid behind a tree that was nearby. She quietly observed them for a while. All they've been doing us talking, and yet, she could feel the fire of jealousy burning within her.

What happened next shocked her. She watched the woman grab the sides of his face and kiss him. She kissed him. Merlin felt her heart shatter. She couldn't bear to watch them. She ran across the street to the Boar Hat, dropping the book she held. She didn't stay long enough to see Escanor pull away and slap the poor girl, yelling at her for doing such a thing.

He turned and was about to leave for the Boar Hat when he saw a red book. It was lying in the middle of the street, forgotten. He picked it up. It was turned to a page where Escanor saw a familiar phrase written on it. "My Sweet Gluttony" Underneath it, he recognized Merlin's elegant handwriting, "My Compelling Pride" He became extremely worried. If this book was left here, then that means that Merlin saw what happened.

Escanor ran as fast as he could to the Boar Hat. He slammed the door open and ran past a drunk Ban. He swung Merlin's door open, out of breath. He saw her sitting on her bed, her knees pressed against her chest. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying. He walked over and stood in front of her.

He didn't know what to say. Instead, he sat next to her. He pulled her into his arms and apologized many times, his eyes brimming with tears. He explained everything to her. He had planned to set up a surprise date for her. He went to that lady for help and advice. He didn't know she was going to do such a thing.

After his explanation, he apologized a few more times. He heard her sniffle and lift her head up. She looked up at him with a puppy dog look he didn't know she was capable of doing. Escanor could feel his heart racing as he stared into her eyes.

Merlin sniffled again. "Really...?" She asked in a tiny voice. Escanor  felt a lump form in his throat at how cute she looked right now. He gulped and replied with a gentle "Yes." Merlin couldn't help but grin at his response. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him even closer. Escanor smiled at her and reached for the book. He opened it to the first page and started reading, Merlin's head resting on his chest.

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