Our Special Day

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This chapter is a request by LeonhardtMills. Sorry it took so long. I don't know how to write wedding scenes.

Merlin's POV

I sat at a white vanity. Diane stood behind me, pinning my hair up. Her hands left my hair and settled on my shoulders when she was finished. "You look beautiful, Merlin." I had to admit, she had done a great job on my hair. Apart from a few strands that fell forward in the front, everything was neatly combed back and met in the back to form an elegant bun. Just before Diane had fixed my hair, Elizabeth had done my makeup. She said I didn't need too much because I was already beautiful enough. So, the only makeup on me was my usual lipstick, and a light layer of blush. I stood up and walked over to the full body mirror. I peered into the mirror. All I saw, was a complete stranger. And she looked beautiful. Diane and Elizabeth stood beside me, their faces lit up as I ogled my reflection. "Escanor is really lucky!" Chirped Diane. Elizabeth nodded in agreement.

Escanor's POV

I stood up straight as Ban straightened my black bowtie. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach stir as I thought about what would happen in just about half an hour. Ban sighed as he looked at me, slightly annoyed. "What are you nervous about? Merlin has no doubts about marrying you." He delivered a hard slap to my back, supposedly for comfort. I chuckled awkwardly in response. Of course, I knew that myself. But the what ifs still lingered at the back of my mind. I took a deep breath and told myself to calm down. We all chatted for while until it was time to wait at the altar. We all stood there patiently for a while. 'Here come the Bride' started playing and I perked up. My gaze shifted past the rows of people and to the open entrance.

Merlin's POV

My heels clacked against the floor as I slowly walked towards the altar. My gaze met his and never strayed. I stepped up as I reached the altar. I smiled as I placed my hands into his outstretched ones. I could the butterflies in my stomach flutter as I joined him. I looked at him assuringly, already knowing that he was nervous, too. He smiled gratefully at me. He was too cute to not return the favor.

Escanor's POV

The butterflies in my stomach became more aggressive as I watched her walk down the aisle. I couldn't help but stare. She looked absolutely stunning. I held out my hands for her to take, receiving a look of assurance from her. I smiled gratefully at her, my heart leaping when she did the same.

Merlin's POV

I couldn't pay attention to anything the priest said. Not when I had the only thing I wanted to pay attention to was right in front of me. I hadn't realized how long I was staring into his blue eyes until he started talking. He looked into my eyes with that loving look I know all too well as he said, "Merlin, you are my sun." I felt my face heat up as everyone chorused in awws.

I watched his eyes dance into mine as he continued. "Even when you were nowhere near me, you still managed to illuminate my life. To me, you are my guiding light. The light I will look up to when I'm down. The light that had been shining through thick and thin with me. You give me reason to live, a reason to hope. And that's why I want to protect you for the rest of our lives. I love you." I stared into his eyes, mesmerized by his speech.

Escanor's POV

The smile on my face grew as I watched her reaction. Her face had a slight red tinge to it, and a small smile laying on her lips as she gazed into my eyes, mesmerized. She cleared her throat before speaking. "Escanor, I might not say it a lot, but I love and appreciate all the things you do for me. You're always there for me, looking out for me. You are the furthest thing from the monster you call yourself. You're my knight in shining armor, and I love you too.

Merlin's POV

I watched the smile on his grow as I spoke. His smile encouraged mine, and soon, we were smiling like complete idiots. We continued gazing into each other's eyes as the priest continued speaking, neither of us paying attention.

Third Person POV

The two adults slipped their rings on, smiles spread across their faces. The priest continued to speak and soon said, "You may now kiss the bride." Escanor wrapped an arm around Merlin's waist, dipping her down just a bit, Merlin's arm was around his neck while their free hands clasped together. They lips met, and everyone cheered. They all stepped outside to the garden for the reception.

Merlin's POV

I smiled to myself as I watched everyone laugh and socialize. Escanor stood beside me, our hands clasped as we watched our comrades. He took a step forward, turning back to hold a hand out for me to take. I smiled as I took it, Escanor pulling me to the middle of the garden. Everyone suddenly became quiet and turned to watch us. Escanor's arm wrapped around my waist as mine rested on his chest. Our other hands were raised in the air, his hand holding mine.

Escanor's POV

We gazed into each other's eyes as we waltzed around the on the grass. Everyone watched us, completely mesmerized by our dance while I was being mesmerized by a pair of beautiful golden eyes. We danced until our feet hurt, the reception lasting for hours. We sat down at a table, resting our worn out feet.

Merlin's POV

Escanor leaned towards me and said, "No one will notice if the bride and groom went missing, would they?" I raised an eyebrow at his question. "Why? Is something wrong?" I asked. He smiled cheekily and said, "No. The groom just wants to celebrate this momentous occasion in a different manner." I smirked at him. "Do you have something in mind?" I asked him. He smirked at me in response.

Escanor's POV

I picked Merlin up bridal style and entered Liones Castle. The king was nice enough to let all the guests stay in his many guest bedrooms. I walked up to ours, flirting with her along the way. I gave her a chaste kiss on her cheek before setting her down. I unlocked the door with the key a maid had given me. I swiftly picked her up again, walking over to our bed. The door closed on its own, so I didn't need to. I sat down on the bed, Merlin sitting on my lap as our lips met. Before we knew it, it was morning. At breakfast, several people had asked where we had sneaked off to. We almost choked on our food, faces flushed as we struggled for an answer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2018 ⏰

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