Taken in Battle (Part 2)

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This is a Part 2 from a request by LeonhardtMills.

Escanor sat on one the chairs in the Boar Hat. The rest of the Sins were sitting in various places in the room, and Diane was peeking in from outside, being in her giant form. All of them had worried and saddened expressions on their faces. All of them except for Escanor. Yes, he was worried, but not sad. Instead, he was angry. No, angry was an understatement. He was pissed. He wasn't angry at the Commandments for taking her. Well, maybe a little, but not as much as he was angry at himself for letting her get taken. Earlier, he had explained what had happened to Merlin and told them where she was. Now, they were on their way to Camelot. Escanor was determined to get her back, and nothing, nor no one, would get in his way.

"We're here!" Shouted Diane. She was in her giant form, standing alongside Mama Hawk. Everyone walked outside, stretching their legs. Escanor ran out the door and bolted for the castle. He heard his comrades yelling for him to wait, but he couldn't. He couldn't wait and let the Commandments do something to Merlin. He slowed down as he reached the gate of the castle, trying to catch his breath. Once he did, he barged into the throne room, where Merlin said she was. She was inside a Perfect Cube, next to Chandler. She was kneeling, with Chandler holding a fistful of her hair, wincing in pain. She had many dark bruises on her body, blood was seeping from her mouth, and she looked like she was slipping in and out of consciousness. "Isn't she a pretty one?" Called Chandler. "It sure was pretty, beating the hell out of her." He grinned at Escanor, taunting him.

Escanor glared and took a step forward. "Not so fast. One more step and I rip her head off." To show that he was serious, his grip on her hair tightened, and brought his staff to her neck. Escanor could only glare harder. The Pacifier Demon let out a dark chuckle, enjoying Escanor's reaction. "What do you want?" Escanor asked. "Hmm... What I want?" He muttered to himself. "I want to be entertained. That's the main reason why I had Cusack kidnap one of your comrades. I didn't think that she would be this pretty." He bent down to take a look at Merlin's face. "On second thought, I think I'll keep her." He said in a chirpy tone.

Escanor clenched his hands. If he moved, Merlin would die. And who knows what would happen if he doesn't get her out of there quickly. He sucked in a deep breath and let it out. "What do you want in exchange for her?" He glanced at Merlin worriedly. "An exchange, huh?" Chandler took a moment to think about it. He smirked as he said, "I'm bored and need someone to entertain me. How about a one on one fight to the death? Whoever wins keeps the girl." Escanor didn't need to think twice. "I'll fight." Chandler chuckled to himself, letting Merlin go. She dropped to the ground, grunting in pain. Chandler stepped out of the Perfect Cube.

He grinned, hurling a black sphere in Escanor's direction. Escanor jumped up to avoid it. He slashed the air, the attack traveling to Chandler, creating a big gash across his chest. Blood spewed out of the wound, as well as his mouth. The demon laughed in delight. "Finally! Now I don't have to hold back." He fired a blast of black flames at Escanor, but they disintegrated as they got closer. "Hm?" Said Chandler. Escanor lunged towards Chandler, a mini sun hovering above his hand. With a flick of his wrist, the tiny sun collided with the Pacifier Demon, forcing him back. A black sphere of energy rushed towards Escanor, colliding with a big boom that also caused him to cough up blood. Escanor wasted no time and charged up another sun, enlarging it to the size of half of the room. He hurled it to the demon, watching as it went. He leered down at the burning demon, not even feeling pity. He didn't deserve that. Not after what he did to Merlin.

Escanor rushed over to the Perfect Cube and pressed his body against it. "Mirwi! Arf yew awri?" With his face pressed against the Cube, that's all that came out. Suddenly, it popped like a bubble and Escanor tumbled forward. He scrambled to Merlin, who was barely conscious. He picked her up bridal style and walked out of the castle. The Sins were waiting outside, shocked and worried when they saw both of their injuries. Escanor didn't pay attention to any of them as he continued walking towards the Boar Hat, everyone else following him. He walked pretty quickly, determined to get her healed as soon as possible. He went inside, and carried her all the way up to her lab, everyone else following with their heads hung low. He laid Merlin on the bed.

Elizabeth stepped forward and sat beside Merlin. She placed a hand over Merlin's eyes, and a blue glow emitted from it. All of her bruises, as well as the blood, faded away. Elizabeth stood up and walked to the side. Now it was Escanor who was sitting beside her. Merlin's eyes fluttered open. Escanor let out a sigh of relief. He leaned down to scoop her into his arms, a big smile on his face. Merlin, although surprised, returned his embrace. They let their foreheads touch, gazing into each other's eyes lovingly. "Thank you, Escanor, for coming for me." Said Merlin. Escanor smiled as he said, "I will always come for you, no matter what." They shared a kiss, everyone clapping and cheering for them. They didn't pay attention to the rest because they were too busy kissing.

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