How you guys made up

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You walked into the main room of the ship and found Rip.

"Hey Rip." You casually say.

"Oh hello (Y/N),Sara told me you two were sparing and she explained the uh incident."

"Ya I don't know why she would do that."

"It is because of her bloodlust."

"Her what?" You question.

"From being brought back to life by the lazuros pit."

"She told me that part not about the bloodlust,ugh..I need to find her."

You search the ship amd find her in her room,sitting on her bed thinking.

"Sara,I am plainly going to come out and say it,I am sorry.Rip told me about your bloodlust."

"He did?" Sara said,completely focused on you.

"Yes,so we good now."

"I am so glad we are good."

Both of you giggle a bit and hug.


You were looking around the ship,trying to find him when you bump into Sara.

"(Y/N)! What are you doing." Sara questioned.

"Looking for my boyfriend." You answer,irritated.

You try and walk past her but she stops you and says,

"Didn't he break up with you."

"Yes but I am going to fight for my relationship,you are the reason,you just kissed me up against the wall,you know I can't escape when it comes to that situation."

Sara then said,"You have to admit you felt something."

"No I didn't." You reply,harshly.

Sara looked down and walked away.

"That's what happened."

ame the voice of the one and only,Jax.

"Ya,are we okay,was that reasonable enough for you?"

"Yes 100 percent."

You guys smile at each other,happy to have the other back.


You were lying on your bed,trying to calm down,closing your eyes when you hear a knock at the door.

"If it's you Snart,go to hell."

"No,thanks for the offer though." Lenny said,walking in.

"What do you want?"

"To apologize,it was wrong I just shot my gun and you were there,I am sorry."

You looked at him blankly.He wasn't the type to apologize.

"Uh,I guess you are forgiven." You say,really still shocked over the apology.

"Okay,so I'm gonna go." Lenny said,backing away.

"Ya,see ya."


You turned the corner when you heard Kendra and Ray fighting.

"You had just ruined my relationship with (Y/N)!" You hear Ray say.

"So,You kissed back!" Kendra deffened.


Kendra ran out the room,giving you an sad and apologetic look.

"That's your explanation?" You ask walking into the room.

"Yes,is it good enough." Ray answered.

"Mm..ya." You giggled.

You and Ray hug and leave the room with intertwined hands.


Nate looked for you everywhere,and then finally found you in your quarters.

"(Y/N),we need to talk." He said rather,shyly.

"Sure,what's up." You say,looking at him trying not to look broken,which you totally were.

But Nate saw and a rush of guilt flowed through him.

"I am sorry,you were just trying to protect me,what I wanted to happen was a big leap and probably could have even prevented me from existing and meeting the only girl that could make me happy." He quickly said,kneeling down near the bed so you looked him in the face.

"I thought you said I couldn't do that anymore." You state,quietly yet loud enough for Nate to hear.

"It just came out please,forgive me (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N)." Nate begged,going on his knees.

"I guess I could,but don't make me regret it." You say,teasingly.

"Trust me,you won't." He said,overjoyed tour giving him a second chance.

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