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Ushijims's  P.O.V

Kageyama : SO BACK OFF!

Ushijima : What? I never said I did have feelings or him. But if I did I wouldn't back off just because some pipsqueak tells me to back off. 

Kagayama : tsk Whatever. Its not like your his type

And with that he just walks away, and at the same time Hinata starts coming over to me.

Hinata : Hey, what were you and Kagayama talking about?

He says with curious eyes. I sigh, a little frustrated at recalling what he said. Ans just as I was about to speak I hear Hinata giggling. I look at him confused.

Ushijima : What...?

Hinata : Nothing..Its just that Im imagining Kageyama saying something mean to you. 

He said in between giggles.

Ushijima : Why?

Hinata : He's always been like that when meeting new people I introduce to him.

Always? I think to myself. How long has he known him for. I wonder if he knows?

Ushijima : Do you know why?

Hinata : Hmm?  I think its because were really good friends? Maybe he's afraid that i'll forget about him?

Ushijima : Hmm... Really?

I say a little amused. I wonder where this will go. But i'm guessing not to far since he just called him a really good friends.  For some reason hearing that made me a little relieved I wonder why?

Ushijima : When did you guys become close?

Hinata : I wouldn't say close but it was around the time he came out as gay, and I stopped the other kids from bullying him. So when we were 13

Ushijima : Oh

Hinata : Yeah. Well anyways. I actually have to go. You know help my mom. See ya later?

Ushijima : Yeah sure, bye.

Shortly after he left I did too.

Once I reached my house I texted Hinata. 

U: Hey

H: Hi

U: Wyd?

H: Just laying in my bed, you?

U : Same

H: What are you doing tomorrow?

U: Some practice. Why?

H: Just wondering if you'd like to hang out?

U: Sure, What time?

H: After practice

U: Okay

H: Great! I have to go see ya tomorrow. Bye!

U: Bye

I turn off my phone and do some studying.

~Time Skip Cause I'm lazy ~

While on break.

Teammate #1 : Hey Ushijima? What happened?

Ushijima : What do you mean?

Teammate #1 : You seem different. Happy? Kinda.

Teammate #2 : Yeah you smiled a lot which is rare. You got a date or what?

Ushijima : No, I just made a new friend and were hanging out after this.

Teammate #3 : Really? What's he like? 

Ushijima : Well... he's short, has big brown eyes, fluffy bright orange hair, has great stamina, jumps high, has lots of strength, runs fast, smells fresh like a forest, Is very supportive, smiles as bright as he sun, he's just 

Teammate #2 : OMG! You like him!

Ushijima :  What? No.

Teammate #1 : Yes you do? The way you spoke about him says otherwise. Like C'mon! Why would we want to know how he smiles and the way he smells.

Ushijima : Do... I really?

Teammate #2: Yes! You do! The way you spoke about him and how your eyes soften when describing him prove it all!

Ushijima : Oh.

Teammate #1 : Okay so now that we now how he looks like... well kinda. Whats his name?

Ushijima : Its  Hinata. Hinata Shoyou.

Teammate #3 : OMG

Ushijima and Temmate # 1 and two : What?

Teammate #3 : I know him. Well kind of. And let me tell you, you couldn't have picked a better but worst person 

Ushijima : What do you mean?

Teammate #3 : Well you see two years ago. One of my friends dated him. They described him as their ray of sunshine. He was charming nice and an overall gentlemen. They even said that the only reason he's "failing class" is because of his attendance, which he can't really fix since he's helping out his family and is working.

Ushijima : Okay? But why the worst?

Teammate #3 : Well, you see my friend, this is were it gets interesting. They had a perfect relationship. But here the thing one of his friends has a crush on him, and they would harass my friend,  urging them to break up with Hinata because they weren't meant to be. And so on their one year anniversary they broke up with him. They said that it wasn't working out. He gave them a bracelet with their name on it and said it is now a parting girft. And that bracelet is now their treasure and a really good memory.

Teammate #2 : Damn what a perfect guy but mean a** friends. Like wtf

Ushijima : I think I know who this friend is.

Teammate #1: Really how?

Ushijima: I met him.

Teammate #3 : Welp good luck dude.

Ushijima : Thanks

~ Another time skip brought to you by your lazy a** author ~

Practice is over and I head over to Hinata's house, which is where were hanging out. My heart is racing and I'm not ready, but here we go. 

As I reach Hinata's door and hesitate before knocking.

Someone opens the door.


Heyo haven't posted in a while if you like this story please tell me and if you don't then Hi. Also I can tell how bad this is no need to state the obvious and thank you~ 

ALSO I KNOW I SPELT KaGAYama instead of KaGEYama its just im to lazy to fix it.

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