Chapter 2

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I slipped on my pair of black ballet pumps and ran down my stairs. I was already late for my first shooting,great. I got into my uber and sighed. What if I messed this up? I mean it's the biggest break I've had since I was a kid.
Stop over thinking Joey.
I arrived on set and was immediately taken aback.
Holy. Shit.
This place was huge, and id say there were about 200 people rubbing around making various phone calls.
I felt very out of my depth, and just as I was about to leave my agent came up to me.
"Hey jo!" His deep voice didn't match his looks at All, as he was quite small. Hid unintentionally loud greeting caused everyone to turn around.
"Uhm hey" I laughed nervously. I could hear people muttering
"Who the hells she?"
"She looks amateur"
"God our director needs sense knocked into him"
"The director? More like the casting agent"
All the negative mumbling filled the room until the director screamed "QUIET!"
Everyone who had been muttering about me now looked sheepish,And scurried back to their tasks.
"Right," my agent looks told me he was uncomfortable "let's get you to meet jacob,your gonna have to get to know him before you start shooting"
"Looks like I'm just in time then"
I tried my best to catch my breath as I looked at was was standing before me
Jacob was gorgeous to say the least. 6"4 of unreasonably good looks. He had a Jaw line that could cut someone,and looked like he worked out,alot.
I snapped out of my daze to see Jacob and my agent giving me worried looks.
"Uh yeah sorry,didn't get much sleep last night."
Jacob smiled "I know how it feels" He chuckled.
God,even his laugh was sexy.
"Maybe you two should go get some coffee then?" Darren suggested
"Sure," I suggested a bit too eagerly
"Its a date" Jacob smirked and started walking toward the door, I hastily followed him like a puppy.
Just as I was walking out the door,i somehow managed to trip over my own clumsy feet and faceplant the door.
Smooth Joey,smooth.
"Holy Crap, are you okay?!" A concerned Jacob was helping me up.
"Yep,fine!" I plastered a fake smile on my face and walked out the door with my head held little too high.
I could hear everyone behind me giggle.

We arrived at Starbucks, I ordered my usual iced macchiato and Jacob ordered a black coffee.
"So,tell me about you" He took a sip of his coffee and looked at me expectantly
"There really isn't much to know I suppose,My names Joey king, I grew up in L.A. with my mum and dad,i acted in a few movies but nothing special." I spoke way too quickly.
God Joey, why can't you act normal for once in your life.
Jacob laughed heartily, "Cool" He said smoothly.
Did I mention he was Australian?
"What about you then?"
"There's not much to me either,I grew up in Brisbane, with my mum and dad, acted in a few movies and had a pretty normal life I suppose"
I smiled
I could already tell I was gonna have fun shooting this movie.

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