Chapter 13

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"Why are you short?"

"I'm not short. I'm fun size." He says defensively.

"Keep telling yourse- What the fuck?" Remember that blonde bunny bitch? Yeah she's currently locking lips with Jeff. "I'm gonna kill two bitches." I mumbled. I approach them and pull Allie off of Jeff. "Who the fuck do you think you are?" I stepped in front of her. She began to speak but I punched her as hard as I could.

I looked to Rosemary who was helping Allie up. "You want me gone so bad that you had to this?" I looked to Jeff and he had a sad expression on his face. "And you did nothing to stop her."


"Don't talk to me." I turned around and went to catering.

"Wait up!" Shannon jogged after me. "Are you okay?"

"Does it look like I'm okay Shan?" I looked to him as we walked.

"I'm taking that as a no." He took out his phone and checked it. "Why don't you just stay in my locker room until my match is over?"

- Five minutes later -

"Raya you don't have to come to Impact." I said into my phone.

"Yes I do. That bimbo is going down and as for Jeff he's going to get whats coming to him."

*Knock knock* Someone knocked on the door.

"Ok I gotta go."


I hung up and went to the door. "Who is it?"


"I'm not letting you in."

"Please? I'm sorry."

"Yeah well sorry doesn't cut it." I walked away from the door.

I went back to sitting on the couch and I texted Saraya.

V: So when are you coming? Because the sooner the better
S: I'm on the plane now
V: Oh btw are you bringing Kalan with You?
S: No he's at home dog sitting Rexy and Lobster
V: Damn he still owes me $5
S: I don't think he even remembers he owes you $5
S: Gotta go they asked us to turn off our devices
V: Talk to you later crumpet

I set my phone down and took a nap.


"Violet." A familiar voice said waking me up.

"Just five more minutes." I mumbled not wanting to do anything besides sleep.

"Fine but you'll miss out on spending time with Saraya."

I opened my eyes and saw Saraya standing next to me. "All you had to say was you were here and I would've gotten up the first time."

"Well I didn't. Now why are you sleeping in Shannon's locker room?"

"I wanted to take a nap and Shannon was supposed to be back here after his match."

"I saw him arguing with Jeff on my way here which may be the reason he isn't back yet.

"Shit." I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "How long ago was that?"

"About 10 minutes."

"Goddammit." I shot up from the couch. "Raya you know I want to hang out with you but I need to check on Shannon."

"Girl do what you gotta do."

I went around backstage and asked people if they had seen Jeff and Shannon anywhere. That's when I heard it. The yelling. I went to the sound of it and found them. I got in the middle of them. "Alright you two stop it."

They both looked at me. "I'm just gonna go.." Shannon started to walk off.

"Oh no you're not." I grabbed the back of his shirt. "Now apologize."

"What for? He kissed another girl. If anything he should be apologizing."

"I don't mean to me dumbass. I meant to each other."

He rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry."

Jeff just stood there with his arms crossed.

"Say you're sorry."

"Fine. I'm sorry."

"Good now if I see you two arguing again it won't be pretty." I walked back to the locker room. "You coming Shannon?"

"Yeah." He caught up to me.

"So why were you arguing anyway?"

"It was over you. I asked him why he did what he did and he said he didn't know and it all turned into us yelling at each other."

"I swear you two will be the death of me."

Hey I'm back after a month.. I had writers block and I also had to factory reset my tablet because it's a hoe. Also sorry this is a short chapter and if it sucks.

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