Rumors And Lies

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*This story was inspired by the song found above*

*A/N: I actually started writing this story before I started Friends With Benefits, and I wasn't happy with how it originally was done. Since then, this story has gone through a lot of rewrites and has sort of drifted away from the song that inspired it, so, warning. This actually turned into a darker story than originally planned.*


Ryan glared at the person, who he once called his friend, that sat in front of him as he just looked out the window, wanting to pretend like he wasn't there. However, it had been four months since Ryan had seen him. Four months since that night. Four months since those rumors started of him being a stalker. Rumors that they all knew were untrue. Rumors that Ryan wanted to address.

The waitress walked over and placed their drinks in between the two before walking away. Still no words had been said, which had really started to annoy Ryan. So much so that he slammed his hand onto the table, making it and the glasses shake and causing his once friend to flinch and look at him for a split second.

"Luke, for god sakes, look at me!"

His eyes slowly traveled back to him, making Luke sigh. "Ryan please-"

"I just want to know why? Please, just tell me why you and Jon have been lying about me?"

"Why do you think, Ryan? No one can know about you and Jon."

"So you guys lie and cut me out of your lives? Did me hooking up with Jon freak you guys out that much?"


"I thought we were friends. Our families were friends last time I checked. Was I wrong? Have you guys hated me this whole time? Because if you have-"

"That's not it! Ryan, you have always been one of my best friends."

"Then why lie about me and try to ruin my reputation so much?" He looked back down at his hands and stayed silent. "Do you realize how big all of this got? I was sent to the dean's office!" That catches his attention automatically, causing his eyes to grow wide and his head to snapped up to Ryan. 

"You were what?"

"Someone repeated those rumors to the dean, and he called me in! I almost lost my scholarship that I worked my ass off for! They almost kicked me out of school! The only thing that saved my ass is that someone stood up for me and told them, three months into their investigation that those rumors were lies! I've been harassed, had things thrown at me, had my dorm room broken into, had my car keyed, have almost been raped, have been beaten!"

Luke's eyes grew in horror as Ryan list off all the horrible things their lie brought onto my life. All true. So this time, he hoped to finally get a real answer when he asked, "Why? Why did you and Jon tell everyone I stalked Jon after he kissed me? Why did you tell people that you guys were afraid I was going to do something to him, or that I said I would?"

"I never said anything like that!"


"No! I told people that you kissed Jon and he pushed you away! I never said anything about you stalking him or trying to get him to do more!"

Ryan looked dead into Luke's eyes as he told him all of this, and he could see that he's being honest. "...But someone did, Luke. Someone told everyone I have been stalking Jon since the night that we kissed, and someone told everyone I threatened to rape him. But that's not true and you know it..." He looked back down for a bit before he covered his face with his hands. 

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