I'll Be His Everything

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*Inspired by the song found above.*

"Jon, come eat," I yelled into the living room as I placed a slice of pizza on a plate before I went to the fridge to grab some juice for him.

"Okay," he yelled back, which made my eyes roll. He was a lot like me when I was a kid, and that meant I knew damn well that "okay" was the same as "five more minutes".

"Now, Jonathan!"

"But daaaad-"

"If you don't come eat dinner, then I'm going to eat your brownie!"

The second I mentioned his favorite dessert, I heard a soft little gasp before he started running into the kitchen so fast that he almost tripped over our dog. Laughing, I grabbed him from under his arms and pulled him up, resting him on my hip as I wrapped my arm around him to keep him from falling. "Tell you what, buddy," I started as I grabbed the apple juice and started pouring a cup for him. "If you are good and you promise not to give your pizza to Tiny again, I'll let you eat in the living room tonight so you can watch TV. Does that sound good?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," he started cheering as he started bouncing in my arm. I had to grit my teeth as I used up a lot of strength to keep him up when he did this, however, as I placed the juice back on the counter, I put him back down on the ground as well. Once I put him down, I grabbed his juice and pizza and handed them to him, smiling as I watched him run back to the living room, yelling, "Thank you," as he ran out, Tiny running after him.

I laughed a bit before I got some pizza for myself and walked to the table, where Bryce and Ria were sitting, watching my little boy as he tried to put the plate on the tray in the other room while Tiny was jumping on him. Bryce chuckled a bit before he turned to me. "You know, I don't think I've ever seen a kid need to be told to eat their pizza before."

"Don't get it wrong, Jon does like pizza. But he likes brownies more, and whenever I order pizza, I order brownies for dessert."

Ria and Bryce laughed a bit before they started eating with me. As I ate, I looked over and watched as Jon danced in his seat as the theme song to whatever cartoon he was watching started. I let out a sigh of relief as I saw how happy he was at this moment, and I started to pray that he would stay this happy for as long as possible. However, I know that it won't stay this way for long.

"He's so adorable, Ryan," Ria commented as she watched Jon with me.

"Has he started asking questions about Momo," Bryce then asked, causing Ria to snap around and elbow him in the stomach. "Ouch, what?! It's a fair question to ask," he whispered yelled.

This made me look down at my food for a bit before I sighed again and looked back to the couple next to me. "No, he's right. It's a fair question. And, yeah, he has asked about his mom a couple of times. I hate doing this, but I lied to him every time he's asked about her."

"What have you been telling him," Ria asked.

"Just that she's working and she had to leave for a while." I groaned and pushed my hair back as I looked over to Jon to make sure that he wasn't paying attention to us. "I know he isn't going to believe that forever though, and I don't know what to tell him when he finally realizes something's wrong."

"What happened between you and Momo anyways," Bryce then asked. "You two seemed so happy just a few months ago when you guys came to Friendsgiving."

"At that time, I thought we were good too. I thought we were good when our sixth year anniversary came up, and I thought we were good two months ago when we were celebrating Jon's birthday." As I leaned back in my seat, I looked up at the ceiling and just stared at nothing. I allowed my mind to wonder as I thought back to the night that almost destroyed my life... just one month ago.

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