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*This story was inspired by the song found above!*


Ever since the night they met, Ryan was hooked on Jonathan. There was no denying that. There was no hiding it.

It was almost routine at this point. As the day started to wind down, Ryan didn't bother to change into his pajamas. Instead, he wore jeans and a T-shirt to bed. As he expected, about twenty minutes after shutting his eyes and he started drifting to sleep, he woke up, hearing his phone on the nightstand next to him. It was the ringtone he had set for Jonathan.

He sighed however, instead of picking it up right away. In all honesty, Ryan was tired. This routine had been going on ever since they met three years ago. He wanted a change.

Shutting his eyes however, he only could think back to the night they had met. It had felt like a dream at the time, but now he has to question how he truly felt about it.

When he opened them again, he was at a nightclub. It had been three months since his break up, and his friends dragged him out, wanting him to put himself out there again. It was no secret that Ryan was a good looking man, but he always sold himself short, and always seemed to just settle with whatever.

About an hour and a half into their night out, most of his friends were completely wasted, taking shots whenever one of them did something stupid or somehow got someone's number. However, Ryan stayed sober the entire time, and got some of his friends in a taxi before they did something to get them all kicked out. He felt like he was babysitting a bunch of grown-ass men, but he honestly didn't mind. If he drank as much as them, he knew he would have acted the same way. And at least one of them was being responsible enough to take care of everyone else. And it was this action that made Jonathan eye him from across the bar.

When Ryan only had two friends left to watch, Jonathan made his move, noticing that it was these two that always run off to dance whenever a good song came on, and would stay away just long enough for him to work his magic. He casually walked over to Ryan, order two non-alcoholic mixed drinks from the bartender, and he slid one of them to Ryan. "Couldn't help but notice you taking care of your friends," he said, looking into Ryan's eyes. "Thought you could use another sober friend to keep you company."

Ryan smiled and jokingly asked, "You taking care of a couple of drunks too?"

"Just sent the last one home. Now is normally when I look for someone responsible to go home with."

Ryan's eyes widened in shock and he almost choked on his drink. Turning to the bar, he placed his drink on the counter and cleared his throat. "Wow, didn't think I'd meet someone so blunt tonight!"

Jon laughed and placed his drink next to Ryan's. "Well, I'm a guy that knows what he wants and goes for it." He then slid his hands up Ryan's arm and rested them on his shoulders, before he leaned in close to him. "And right now, I want you," he whispered, seductively. He then started to nibble gently on Ryan's ear, making Ryan's mind started to wonder. Wonder about the man that was quickly making him melt. Wonder what about him made this man want him. Wonder how many others fell for this same thing... Wonder who's home was closer to the club.

Before he could come up with anything to say, Jon pulled away from Ryan's ear and wrapped his arms around Ryan's arm. They locked eyes again, and Jon smiled when he noticed the slight blush on Ryan's face. The shy ones are always the cutest.

"Come dance with me," Jon then said before he dragged Ryan onto the dance floor.

The two then spent the next couple of hours grinding against each other. Jon mainly did this just to find out if the guy was big or to find out if the guy would be good in bed; however, this time, he caught himself actually having fun dancing with Ryan. Once the two started getting thirsty, they finally stepped off the dance floor, getting another round of non-alcoholic mixed drinks. They then sat at the bar together, laughing, and starting to get to know each other a bit before they did anything. As soon as Jon started flirting with Ryan again and he finally started to flirt back, he knew it was time to seal the deal.

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